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The original was posted on /r/twoxchromosomes by /u/LtCommanderCarter on 2023-09-25 13:12:29.
I mean sometimes women do too but I feel like people just let men go off more often.
This weekend I was hosting a birthday party for my 1 yr old and one of the guests spent a long time talking about how actors can be replaced by AI. The example he gave was Star Wars, specifically the young Carrie Fischer scenes in the newer movies.
I locked eyes with my husband because well, that is not AI, it's CGI and maybe deepfake.
But it got me thinking, if I had said that I would have been corrected immediately.
Later in the conversation this dude was insistent that the Dolly Parton book program was dated because kids don't read textbooks anymore they read tablets. I tried to explain that books for the 0-5 demo are not entirely about reading, it's about hearing words, bonding with parents and the concept of books. Kids that young have trouble learning words from TV because theres too much going on and TV usually has less context. There's an entertainment value to children's books too. But yes they are also still educational to the building blocks of reading even if most school work is on a tablet. He barely let me speak. He's not an educator or a parent. Like being a parent doesn't automatically qualify me to talk about it, but I've read up on what's good for development of my baby. And I know first hand that you run out of things to talk to a baby about and an age appropriate book gives you a script to follow. So yes underprivileged kids having more books is good for them.
Anyway, tell me about some confidently wrong men!