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The original was posted on /r/twoxchromosomes by /u/OminousHooting on 2023-09-26 21:45:31.
I don't know where to turn to, so if this is the wrong place I am sorry. I juat need to get out how I am feeling.
A little back story, me and my husband have neen together for 15 years.
We've always talked about kids in the future but it has never really been the time.
He currently is fighting a lot of mental health issues, and is not working. I am the only source of income and am okay with it.
In our time I have not had even a pregnancy scare before, we figured maybe we weren't able to get pregnant.
But I find myself now pregnant. And I have always wanted a child, but I know we cannot have a baby right now. We live paycheck to paycheck. I cannot afford time off. So I will be terminating the pregnancy in a few days.
I will not be telling my husband as I fear this would only hurt him either way this pregnancy goes. I don't have many girl friends.
And I don't know.... But I feel sad but it's the right choice.