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The original was posted on /r/twoxchromosomes by /u/None-Ya-Beeswax on 2023-09-27 02:05:49.
For the past couple years now, I've gotten into the habit of putting a ring on when I leave the house. A wedding band. I am not married, and don't plan on getting married. It's just not something I personally want.
It all started when I began a committed relationship, and someone I kept running into in public wouldn't take the hint I wasn't interested. What better way to get him to leave me alone, than wear a ring?
I noticed something else though, that had never happened before. The men I ran into were much more polite when I was wearing a ring vs without...
Without a ring, nearly everytime I went out, a man would be rude (close the door in my face, cut in front of in line, stand WAY too close where I can almost feel their breath on my neck). None of this happened when wearing a ring, or very rarely. I don't expect anyone to treat me special, but basic human decency would be nice???
Is my NO not a no unless I have a man to back up my decision?
Am I not entitled to basic human decency?
Is my worth as a human being tied to being married?
Just needed to vent, this is something I will never understand...