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The original was posted on /r/twoxchromosomes by /u/ManateePub on 2023-10-01 18:25:40.
I don't think I fully understood just how bleak the dating scene was until last night. Men my age (24) have not only weaponized incompetence, but honed it so perfectly that it could probably split atoms.
My friend group invited a guy over for our Saturday movie night who they were "sure" I would like. On his recommendation, we watched this movie in which Harvey Keitel plays a corrupt cop who SAs women, shoots stuff, and yells racial slurs while he drives around NYC. Drawing heavily from the depths of his college sophomore education, this guy I was "sure" to like lectured me on how the movie was "Like, a metaphor for religion and stuff." As a sort of bonus, he pounded beers all night and finally threw up all over my friends' kitchen. He slept it off. We cleaned it up because he was "going through a rough time" after not being accepted to the police academy (DUI, battery).
Where does one even find normal, respectful men now? It's not a rhetorical question. Any hopeful anecdotes or suggestions?
P.S. Apparently members of an incel forum are downvoting my posts. A friend who's infiltrated them sent screenshots. I sort of figured that a safe space for women online was a big ask. Oh well. Dreams are still free everyone.