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The original was posted on /r/twoxchromosomes by /u/Buabue1 on 2023-10-04 19:01:30.
Edit: if you didn’t see the original post I made yesterday, go look for it and read it first. This is part 2.
The replies y'all were sharing on the original thread made me laugh—and I'm in a storytelling mood—so I wanted to share what happened next.
Basically, I died inside and went and bought him a bottle of soap for the bathroom. I was really into him and (shamefully) this didn't send me running (just yet). (Spoiler: I later discovered MANY other red flags, but should have left when I found this first one. Hindsight).
I had this strong urge to sanitize everything in his apartment after that, and I kept bugging him with, "Did you wash your hands?" after he used the bathroom which got on his nerves.
Things came to a head a little later when we were just hanging out one day. He disappeared into the bathroom for a while, and when he returned I asked him if he’d washed his hands.
He said yes, I said okay.
He then said: "Do you believe me? Want to smell the soap?"
I said": "No, it's fine :) I believe you."
He then jumped on top of me while I was laying on the couch and forcefully shoved his hands in my face, making me smell the scent of soap on his hands.
I was very unamused by this and told him to stop and get off of me.
The rest of the afternoon the mood between us was pretty blah. We decided to go for a drive around his neighborhood, and he let loose, yelling at me in the car, saying that I was a bitch and didn't respect him and that I better start doing so.
Should have broken up with him the moment I first discovered he didn't own a bottle of hand soap. Ya live and ya learn.