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Football / Soccer / Calcio / Futebol / Fußball
Just arsenal things
I hope they never come back
Me too
Same. Arsenal have been dreadful every single season for a while. It's infuriating how many teams that play for nothing stay so long in Primera because relegation is seen as a fucking death.
The whole league is a mess and needs to be rebuilt from scratch but Tapia doesn't have the balls (nor backup from club presidents) so even the most moderate change gets undone a few months later. Remember when this year was supposed to have 3 teams relegated?
The funniest part is club politics are so fucked for almost every club that the second team to go down this year might be either Huracan, Colon or Velez. It's insane to think about that when we have teams like Central fucking Cordoba in the first division right now (no offense to any Central Cordoba fans who might read this).
It's not that he doesn't have the balls, he's one of the active promoters of this kind of format. His very own team is in First Division thanks to our shitty structure, he won't give that up easily.
The shit that won’t flush finally flushed.
not the last arsenal to go down this year inshallah
Ngl, i dont know if they will ever come back to first división considering the current second division format (two groups of 18 or so teams, winners of both face off for first promotion, loser of that match plus the teams to go to playoff and the winner of the playoff gets the second promotion) like, i honestly don't know if Arsenal will ever come back.
North Sarandi is white!
Don't worry, it's not gonna be a long until Chiqui Mafia presents the new "el producto": a 65 team tournament combining 1st and 2nd division to form the Argentine Supreme League.
I was so happy for 3 milliseconds
Surprised they didn’t go a headline that said “Arsenal relegated!”
Thing about Arsenal de Sarandí is they've never tried to walk it in.
Can someone post the second goal where the keeper lost possession in his own box? Just brutal