Should be top 3 IMO
If Rodri doesn't get top 3 for this season, I'm not sure how you can ever justify giving a DM a high ranking for this award
Should be top 3 IMO
If Rodri doesn't get top 3 for this season, I'm not sure how you can ever justify giving a DM a high ranking for this award
Would’ve been third for me imo but glad to see him her due respect
Well deserved, it's about time he got this recognition
Jorginho robbed
A DM getting 5th is crazy
Where was this love for Busquets the greatest DM ever
Should have been 3rd but this is more of a popularity contest
He's a CDM, so it's a great achievement for him, yet he deserved the podium imo
I never realized how good he was until Arsenal played City without him. 5th is fair, nice to see a more defensive player get recognized
5th for a dm is crazy but he still deserved to be higher. Wouldn't have been upset if he won tbh
So glad to see his position as a DM isn't discounting just how good he is
Too low for the season he had. If only Spain had progressed more in the WC.
Very good for a DM, they don't usually get any love
best player on man city last season and won the nation league 5th lol
Should have been top 3.
This is just a reminder of how ridiculous Jorginho getting 3rd was. He didn’t even win it and it was still the biggest robbery ever
How was his form as a player? (genuinely asking, I don't support the teams he plays for)
too low