Change all things to have I as a prefix, and all be priced separately
Programmer Humor
Post funny things about programming here! (Or just rant about your favourite programming language.)
- Posts must be relevant to programming, programmers, or computer science.
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- Jokes must be in good taste. No hate speech, bigotry, etc.
post the ytp here when it's done please
Just change all the boxes so they all read “Chat GPT-4.”
Where does the porn go?
It's processed by the Non-judgmental Stack of Federated Workers (NSFW).
More like nine judgemental workers looking at your telemetry data, but the acronym doesn't work....
Missing layers & components include:
- Dynamic Crop Rotation
- Unified Working Class
- Object-Oriented Subject-Verb Harmonizer
- Polyamorous Hedron Layer
- Twin-Camera Sitcom Builder
- Beef Byproduct Coprocessor
- "The Cheesegolf" (details subject to NDA)
- Soft-Sector Formatter
- Chunk Guzzler
- BEEPERS (Biomimetic Exo-Exa-Polygon Extrusion Randomization Service)
- Phil
Also, the bottom layer is incorrectly labeled as "CORE OS". The intended term is CoreO's™, the latest in high-definition breakfast cereal.
I read the middle line as "Foveated Reindeer" the first time with out my glasses, so maybe rename the boxes to be about Christmas magic that allows Santa's Christmas powers to work...
iOS Framework.
Naughty/Nice Framework
Multi-app 3D engine
Foveated Reindeer
Real-Time Countdown System
Christmas OS
Replace "Foveated Renderer" with "Forehead Renderer"! You know, cause it renders your forehead for the external screen
I'm gonna make the guy say "a real-time execution engine that guarantees execution of each person looking at you"
Also the YTP is about "Apple Pro" which straps a big apple in front of your face
Replace "Spatial Audio Engine" with "Spatial Combustion Engine"
Flex tape between the boxes