Asus RT-AX88U Pro $229.99 is best and most stable Asus router and will carry you until wi fi 7 is established. GT-AXE16000 has 6E but not much benefit without multi-gig internet.
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Well, if you're looking at Black Friday deals, this is the one that I'd be interested in:
The Asus RT-AX88U Pro is a great router, excellent wireless range, and a couple of 2.5Gbps ports if you ever go that way. It uses a newer chipset, very similar to the one in the Asus GT-AX6000, which is another great router, but not on sale currently. Anyways, the RT-AX88U Pro will be supported by Asus for some time, since it's fairly new.
The RT-AX82U has also been an excellent choice, and it's down to $129 when I looked at Amazon just now. It's older now, so won't be supported as long as the RT-AX88U Pro, and has a little lower throughput as well. The latest Asus firmware for it is last year, and no support in their new firmware family (, so it isn't clear how much longer this router will be supported by Asus. Which may also explain the rock bottom price :-).
Anyways, you're on the right track with Asus routers, in my personal opinion. I also left the Netgear world, due to very spotty firmware quality in my case, and have really liked the Asus routers that I've had.
I wouldn't buy any of those. Nor would I buy a router or any sort of networking device from Best Buy.
If a particular router looks more like an insect or an alien spaceship, instead of a simple rectangular enclosure, it is likely overpriced and overhyped.
In fact, you'll get more for your money if you use wired-only router, and a separate wifi AP - similar to the benefit of using a separate modem from your router rather than a modem/router combo - you can choose devices that are best at their own job, rather than trying to either compromise or overspending.
Here is an article describing some good gigabit wired routers:
Is there a reason you are not considering any TP-Link routers like the TP-Link AX6000 ?
ive never heard of the TP Branding though they seem popular on amazon
Just looking at the specs of the ones you have listed. I would go with the Nighthawk AX5300. It will have better distance and higher speeds. How much are you looking to spend? There are other options out there. Such as the Asus RT-AX88U Pro. It is $200 on amazon currently with a coupon.