In other words, in the fantasy world where a pseudo-event monster cheque is deemed real-life legal tender, the mismatch might have cost the city nearly $70,000.
Doesn't seem like a real issue?
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Please note the following:
* All chatrooms are linked together. If you join one room your messages will be copied to the other platforms.
* Matrix is an open source and potentially distributed chat protocol. The matrix room listed is hosted on, a somewhat centralized hub for a lot of currently public rooms. Though the protocol itself is free, libre and open source, the deployment of the protocol resembles a centralized service. This may be fixed in the future with the deployment of independent servers.
* Be aware that both Telegram and Discord are centralized proprietary platforms and do not necessarily protect your rights nor privacy while simultaneously giving power to corporations.
In other words, in the fantasy world where a pseudo-event monster cheque is deemed real-life legal tender, the mismatch might have cost the city nearly $70,000.
Doesn't seem like a real issue?
I take it to mean no one at City Hall is paying attention to the fine details. See: LRT
Lol. Billions wasted on LRT and we're squabbling about 68k? For you math challenged, this is .000022% of the LRT Fiasco Budget. Perspective, folks.
It's not even 68k. It's pretend 68k.