7 Days to Die: Survival Horde Crafting Game

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7 Days to Die is an open-world game that is a unique combination of first-person shooter, survival horror, tower defense, and role-playing games. Play the definitive zombie survival sandbox RPG that came first. Navezgane awaits!

Extra Rules beyond regular lemmy.world rules:

  1. Please keep all spoilers to spoiler discussion threads.

  2. Post links only once

  3. Try to flair things in the title to what it is, some ideas but don’t limit yourself:

[Media] - Screen shots, videos, etc.

[Discussion] - If you’re looking for discussion on things

[News] - Something exciting happens

[Meme] - For the luls

[Guide] - Tips Tricks etc.

  1. Other things that will be updated as issues arise.

founded 2 years ago

Reply here if you are a content creator and want to promote any youtube channels, socials, etc. Random clips are for now still okay to post as their own thread, as long as they aren't longer than a couple minutes. We haven't decided on a exact time length, but think TikTok/Youtube Shorts length clips.

All other threads will be deleted and moved, this message will be updated periodically with channels from the comments.

--===Content Creators===---


Stable version released this afternoon.


For now they are allowed just to fill up the community. The goal would be to get the community rolling and eventually move on to OC/links to direct articles for news, etc.

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Here's a quick video of my preferred horde base build. I haven't seen people using the electric fences lengthways like this before, and doubling them up too, with one upside down above the other. -It's a very effective design. The zombies barely damage the structure, instead preferring to run back up the stairs once more... Day 42 horde, they didn't even get past the first walkway, the sum total damage was one electric fence down (but the 2nd piece of wire kept them busy), and some minor damage to the first blade trap. Apart from that, just the odd few points off a couple of pillars. Soon will add a dart trap too, just for fun, but not quite sure where to position it yet... Also, looking into using motion sensors etc, but need to read up on if a zombie can activate a motion sensor for a dart trap..? Or are they just for doors and stuff? Any thoughts/comments would be greatly appreciated, thanks.



Cool survival base a group of 4 people made. Apparently does very well with horde night. Credit @Jedibeeftrix


Credit@ mikeytman from reddit

" IDK if this is a left over from where some perks where removed or what but I went in a creative world. Used the "giveselfxp" command and put 999999999 which got me to level 300 (assuming that's the max level) and I had 303 skill points (every new character get 3 points at level 0 so 303 at max level) and I was able to fully max out every skill on every skill tree and get every perk from every perk tree from every skill, fully maxing out my character and still have 16 points left over!

TL;DR At max level 300 you can fully max out your skills and perks with 16 points left over. "

Alpha 21 B323 is now out! (store.steampowered.com)
submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Hey Survivors! We have Experimental Build b323 for you. B323 has some new POIs, other additions, changes, and fixes!

Here is how you can access the A21 b323 Experimental build:

Right click on the game in Steam

Click on Properties

Click the “Betas” tab

The drop down menu will have latest_experimental available <— you want THAT Select that and wait for the game to download

Please look here to report bugs.

We recommend starting a new savegame with b323 for the best experience. We don't expect to break existing Experimental savegames with this build. The mod slot change will not change existing items, it only applies to newly found items. As always, thanks for participating in Experimental!

Here is what changed since b317:

A21 b323 Changelog


Dew collector creates activity heat when filling

Workbench and cement mixer makes activity heat when crafting

Workstations reset activity heat delay when moving back in time

House_modern_27 TIER3






Diner_07 for roadside

Cave_07 wilderness cave

House_modern_28 TIER3



Added block triggers being destroyed activates it

Trader gate custom locked door audio

FPS cap so we don't hit extreme rates


Ask user for confirmation before opening URLs in the browser

Armor crafting Tier 3 now uses the military fiber icon since Tiers 1 and 2 use cloth and leather

Increased vehicle transition time between max speeds

Increased bicycle, minibike, motorcycle and 4x4 coasting

Adjusted bicycle, minibike, motorcycle and 4x4 max speeds and torque and turbo now increases torque

Lowered bicycle, minibike, motorcycle and 4x4 reverse speed and torque

Disabled bicycle and minibike reverse turbo

Batteries now scale the crafting resources per tier to prevent exploits

Updated localization for Machine Gunner perks to correctly call out 7.62mm ammo

Adjusted mod slot counts on all tools and weapons to allow a standard linear progression between tech tiers

Updated Journal Tips for Traders and Vending Machines due to recent changes

Updated localization for Repair Kits

Updated loadingTipKnownSchematics to reflect recent changes to recipe unlocks

Updated party game stage documentation in gamestages.xml due to recent changes

Updated Journal Tips for On Fire due to recent changes

Localization.txt updated for missed Twitch commands

Adjusted all tool and weapon entity and block damage values to allow a standard linear progression between quality levels and tech tiers

Reworked various issues with quest reward probabilities that resulted in poor reward offerings

Removed "AllowSpawnNearBackpack" from serverconfig.xml as the option not used


Excessive SS reflections on blue selection zblock

Black block destroy particle effects

Block trigger issue in downtown_filler_13

POI : utility_substation_02 final loot room sleeper can be seen spawning in and POI :doors in final loot room triggers twice

Downtown_filler_13 Beverage Cooler can be accessed from the bathroom behind it

Downtown_filler_13 floating sleeper Vulture

Heavy lag for the host when a P2P client starts downloading the world

Pressing ESC in console closes the currently opened window in addition to the console

Hotkeys typed in console commands bleed to game

Downtown_filler_13 sleeper can be seen spawning in

Excessive Player spawn distance from trader

UI freeze when generating highways

Default Difficulty settings are different for SP/P2P and Dedicated servers

For clients on dedi switches powered by generators may not always function in non power restore quests when they should always have power

Workstations can be picked up while smelting or crafting items losing all materials involved when doing so

All left knuckle turns white when modded

Zombie attack can break after receiving fall damage

POIs overlapping in Navezgane

Dumping water buckets no longer allowed inside trader POIs or in a non-allied players land claim area.

Changing prefab properties in Prefab Editor does not add save indication asterisk

Arrows stick in water when atttempting to shoot submerged sleepers

Advanced rotation on garage doors while placing causes errors

Unable to dump bucket of water if any item is removed from toolbelt

Triggered sleeper volumes would not respawn zombies on player return

Prison_02 sleeper pop-in inside lobby bathroom within player's view

Tier 7 difficulty custom POIs will throw IOOR exceptions when a sleeper volume is triggered

Zombies would not eat dead snakes

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]



Credit@Sage the wise2222

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

If you stay in the trader past closing time, the game may teleport you to a location further away than intended.


Video Credit: SagetheWise2222


Re-post from reddit to raise awareness:

"edit: u/Bhruic was so kind and turned the fix into a mod

After a bunch of testing and experimentation here is a possible fix for the currently (probably) bugged quest rewards in B317.

By changing the order of the rewards for quests we can circumvent a (likely) bug, caused by the skillbook bundle. The pastebinned xml just moves the skillbooks down to just above steel for every quest.

Replace your quests.xml with the following content: https://pastebin.com/GAjzRL2q

Longer explanation on the forums: https://community.7daystodie.com/a21-bugs-main/bug-pool/quest-reward-parsing-from-xml-broken-for-groupquestt1skillmagazinebundle-r182/"

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I've been watching a lot of Guns nerds and steel:https://www.youtube.com/@GunsNerdsandSteel also kage848: https://www.youtube.com/@Kage848 However I recently checked out a few jawoodle videos and found them highly informative: https://www.youtube.com/@JaWoodle

Any others worth checking out?

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Here is what changed since b313:


Item and block EconomicSellScale to adjust individual sell price 
Cooking pots and grills to trader inventories 
Crawler zombie move speeds for walk, run and feral 


Improvements to sleeper encounters in prison_02. 
Increased economic value of cooking pots and grills to 200, but set the EconomicSellScale to .1 
Lowered the stack size of cooking pots and grills to 3 
Increased the price of water filters 
Crafting magazine bundle is no longer fixed as a guaranteed quest reward 
Reduced the quantity of crafting magazines in quest reward bundle from 3/3 to 3/2 
Reduced the quantity of crafting magazines found in mailboxes, file cabinets, book piles, and crackabook shelves 
Removed hazmat clothing from blue zombie bags 
Updated Tier 6 Complete rewards 
Localization of Cheat Mode to Creative Mode 
Updated descriptions and journal entries for land claim blocks to reflect being able to place 3 now 
Workbenches in roadside_truckstop_01 
Twitch Extension required to use Twitch Integration. 


Reduced AI attack position estimation 
Reduced attack range and damage of short zombies 
Reduced attack range of crawler and spider zombies 
Low resolution flame particles 
Navezgane changes based on feedback 
Floating street light in Navezgane. 
Ranger_station_03 t2 loot in t1 POI. 
Ability to copy / paste lights within the prefab editor and retain their light properties 
Wrong values for xp and duke rewards for infestation quests 
Removed frame damage state for jail doors as they do not have a frame 
Active drones can duplicate 
"Respawn Near X" has added checks to avoid spawning in a POI and only on terrain blocks 
Respawn menu now appears every time the player dies with different options based on if a backpack and/or bedroll is available to spawn at. If neither is available a single "Respawn Now" button will display to respawn at a nearby default spawn point. 
SI issue when destroying oven in ranger_station_02. 
Twitch vehicle silly sounds not decaying with distance 
Ranger_station_06 has accessible valve, but no fire hazard 
Custom Bit Events were not parsing correctly. 
First time a drone heals it heals for 0HP 

Just the patch notes for the initial experimental release.