1. Be Civil
Treat other adventurers with a basic level of respect. Do not pick on, insult, harass, grief, dox, or threaten other community members, or users of other websites using this forum (via the World page).
We're all just folk here. None of us are on our best behaviour all of the time, nor should we expect anyone to be. But if we all work to avoid toxicity, and to counter it when we find it coming from others, we can create a healthy space for us all.
2. No Bigotry
Yes, this is covered under Rule 1, but let's double down on this. Discriminatory or inflammatory comments related to peoples age, sex/gender, race/ethnicity, nationality, religion, sexuality, disabilities, or other identifying properties will not be tolerated.
3. Attribute Creative Works
If you're sharing someone else's creative work, make sure you provide proper attribution. The name/handle of the creator, and , if possible, a link back to the original work should be included in the post. If you're sharing your own creative work, highlight that it's an original creation!
4. No Explicitly Adult Content
Try to keep thins PG-13. The hobby is enjoyed by adventurers of all ages, and we want to create an environment that is as welcoming as possible to everybody.
The forum is accessible via other websites. If you want to engage in discussions that are not appropriate for minors while also engaging respectfully with other members of the party, please consider engaging remotely, via federated websites running services like Mastodon, Misskey, Lemmy, Friendica, or Hubzilla.
5. No Illegal Content or Activity
Posting content that violates copyrights, or breaks the criminal codes of the United States or Canada, or which could be considered criminal solicitation endangers the community and is expressly forbidden. The forum is accessible from other websites that may be hosted in more liberal jurisdictions than WAP is, if you want to have such discussions.
6. Follow Good Netiquette
The basic rules of behaviour on the Internet have been handed down from medium to medium, forum to forum, user to user for actual, literal generations now. Adventurers are expected to have a basic understanding of The Deep Magic and adhere to proper netiquette and forum hygiene.