CoSocial Co-Op

6 readers
2 users here now

The community for discussions about the CoSocial Community Cooperative

founded 2 years ago

Hi there! Checking in from the Mastodon side of the fence for the Trust&Safety team.


The server is now updated to Lemmy v0.18. Changes are described in the release announcement

I did hit the server error and set icon to null to fix from using ansible to deploy.


First weekly ops update

Thanks for all #CoSocialMeta feedback so far - keep it coming.

Job posting for a paid junior sysadmin role will go up next week

First member office hours by @alkatandan

Watch for #HotFedi chat with @timbray

More content & volunteers need for comms

We have a VanCity bank account!

T&S review of #NewsCoSocial Lemmy to schedule

Full post on the blog

@cosocial #CoSocialCa


Boris Test Mastodon to Lemmy Post

I am making a test post from Mastodon on CoSocial to #LemmyCa

- first line is title
- first link is link (optional, else uses Masto post link?)
- first image is image (optional)
- parse Markdown on Lemmy side

...would cross posting also work???




Signing up here currently causes a little spinner and nothing happens, and it doesn't seem like you signed up.

You are signed up! Your account is held for approval.

An admin will see your application, and will approve it, and will need to reach out to you to let you know, and then you'll be able to login with the username and password you selected.


Meta's new ActivityPub enabled social network is coming to the fediverse:

Some instances are planning to block the service when it launches:

What should do?


I posted the original post to LemmyCa with my LemmyCa account

I’m following [email protected] (search for it and follow in Mastodon with @[email protected])

That account boosts the OP as well as all of the comments.

My replies / comments are now all from this server, with my account here.

You can read it quite well in your Mastodon client. You can’t (currently) reply with a Mastodon account to turn it into a comment.


Thanks to those of you who are signing up early.

This is still very much an evolving interface and experience from tech as well as mod and admin.

We'll edit this post with some things for everyone to do and try out. Please DO report back.

Note: this probably needs screenshots and how to's over time. Maybe even a help community where we document Mastodon stuff too

Add a remote community

We don't have many users, but with your Lemmy account here you can subscribe, follow, upvote, post, and comment anywhere.

insert how to here. eg [email protected] is theoretically how you search for a remote community.

Add a local community

You're welcome to create a community here directly on our instance.

insert how to on screenshot of community creation

Follow with your Mastodon account

Try following groups with your @[email protected] is the CoSocial group as one example. Follow the same pattern, and you'll see boosts in your client of new posts / comments from that community


We setup a Lemmy instance at

Consider this to be a test install, with best effort support of keeping the server up.

We'll put up a more public announcement on the CoSocial blog once the tech ops and trust & safety team has had time to do some setup and testing of the system.

As with the CoSocial Mastodon server, It is only available for moderated sign up by CoSocial members.

We do invite existing CoSocial members to sign up, create communities, and add links and discussion.

We hope to be able to use this @cosocial community for open discussion and collaboration for members about our jointly owned co-op!