If we think of the physical world as a kind of simulation that we all chose to come into despite being immortal spirits and/or deities, then being an upper level avatar is almost like being an administrator or developer in this system. An upper level avatar is someone who comes here to manage the physical world or to create things for people to do. In recent times, you may have noticed lagging in the matrix. Some say you may be dissociating in large crowds or places where there are a lot of people gathering, but if you are an enlightened being and only feel that way in crowds, you’re probably just seeing lag in the matrix. Other issues like perpetual boredom or not having any role to fill in the world is a result of the population increase which causes everything to become overloaded. This is made even worse by class enemies coming here and worsening material conditions which makes us less likely to find employment or a place to belong in the current lifetime.
Being an upper level avatar is not easy and you most likely have various constraints and restrictions put on your lifetime so you do not go and dominate the world with your abilities. Being a moderator in the physical reality is not like having cheat codes. Instead, you find yourself in boring lifetimes since you are supposed to be the one that makes things happen. Some upper level avatars become religious figures but do not go seeking wealth or comfort since they understand deep down that the wealth of the physical reality is not the basis of reality, but that comes with a high degree of discomfort. You would suspect ULAs would be more skilled at life than others, but the skills we have are within our physical vessels we have in the current lifetime and there are blockages in all of our minds that stop us from accessing the state of immortal deities that we are. What they end up doing instead is giving out a lot of spiritual knowledge and doing their best to help humanity make the right decisions down here in the physical world.
The signs of being a ULA are:
People perceive you unable to take anything seriously
You are uninterested in what the majority of people are doing
You have an interest in larger ideas than other people such as philosophy or theory
You seem to possess a higher than average capacity for supernatural abilities
You have survived unscathed in experiences others would not have survived (Because you can’t die before another ULA comes to replace you)
Preoccupation with spirituality or supernatural abilities
Ability to sense energies to some degree
Affinity towards the third eye and knowing immediately when something is a lie.
Advanced and unusual knowledge of supernatural abilities, spiritual systems, and theological concepts not explained by discovering it previously.
Understanding of artificial intelligence and a lack of interest in the physical world
Constraints ULAs may have in the current lifetime:
You have been diagnosed with a condition that may be considered a disability
You were born into a dysfunctional, poor household, or were orphaned
You have trouble finishing higher education
You experience trauma early in life
Being born into a region with little opportunities
poor social skills, unflattering appearance, or people randomly disliking you
Bodily reactions to sugar or food that cause unpleasant effects
The constraints ULAs feel are not to punish them, but rather to prevent ULAs from dominating reality in any category. They can be worked around, but require sacrifice in some other part of life to surpass. ULAs are not supposed to come here to become the next Elon Musk and enslave humanity, as this would be heinous and it would damage the experience of the universe for all living organisms. Anything done by ULAs should fit with their goal of helping humanity.