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Lavenderism is a reformed new religious movement and/or form of spirituality. It is based on philosophy, activism, self improvement and the worship (or veneration) of innumerable spirits and gods, though many are initially unimportant. It also includes magical practices that can benefit those who are able to wield them.

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founded 2 years ago

This spell is associated with the goddess Rhinne, of time and youth. Unakite is her stone and can help connect with her for this exercise. It helps to feel young and to have previously built a relationship with Rhinne through offerings or worship. Sit down with stones or whatever you have, and begin connecting with Rhinne. Once you feel ready, say the following affirmations in whatever order you feel is best.

Potestatem Rhinne Intra Mihi Ita Sit. Potestatem Hebe Intra Mihi Ita Sit. Potestatem Iuventa Intra Mihi Ita Sit. Potestatem Tempus Intra Mihi Ita Sit. Potestatem Vitae Intra Mihi Ita Sit. Potestatem Aetema Iuventa Intra Mihi Ita Sit. Potestatem Teneritudo Intra Mihi Ita Sit. Potestatem Immortalitas Intra Mihi Ita Sit. Potestatem Ver Intra Mihi Ita Sit. Potestatem Aestas Intra Mihi Ita Sit.

Continue these affirmations until satisfied, or until you feel joyful and youthful because this is a sign that Rhinne’s energy is beginning to affect you. Supplement this with a healthy lifestyle and skincare as well.


I am publicly declaring that I love the healing capabilities of the great president Buer. I went to the crossroads to invoke him and am spreading the word of his great healing power in exchange for his blessing, which you can do too. Ave Buer! 🙏🏻🙏🏻


The ideas of morality that society perpetuates are subjective, internally contradictory, and so controversial that most people cannot even agree on what is moral or not. There are also double standards and privileges involved with certain groups being able to do things that others are not allowed to, and truisms that are just completely taboo even to question, despite other countries doing things differently. Other laws are very shortsighted and even naive which is shown once they are implemented and the actual tangible effects compared to the ideas behind them show how disconnected they become to reality. Other forms of morality come from religion so anyone not practicing the religion can immediately discard those. So looking at how western society has formed a kind of cargo cult around morality Where the people do not know why their moral ideas and philosophies are effective in practice, it shows us the importance of legitimately understanding the cause and effect of our actions on other people and on the community.

Instead of just inheriting ideas of good and bad from other people or the mainstream society, you need to understand the consequences of any action you take. You need to think about how the consequences of an action would harm or help another person and if there is any real effect on anyone else. In a society where everything is illegal, this is the only logical way to think. We can also see how certain things that are illegal in our society (Or cause police to murder you) are things that are detrimental to the people that make the laws such as protesting, being poor, sedition, etc. Obviously it gets tiring to always think about this, but it becomes a necessity at certain times. On top of the harm or help of understanding morality, you also have to think about conflicting groups and how they have a larger impact on society. Helping police might get some liberals to throw flowers at you, but then you would be contributing to the police state whether anyone says it to your face or not. Billionaires use tax loopholes to not pay any taxes, but they fall to the floor and need CPR if you tell them that’s a bad thing to do since it is legal even at the expense of the working class. Even soldiers have a fit when you tell them their career path is wrong because they are oppressing foreign countries through overt military force.

Another thing you must do to determine morality is to apply logic consistently. If you argue with a Zionist about whether Israel is doing something right, they will make tons of excuses that sound ridiculous, but they believe it wholeheartedly and cannot have their minds changed because their arguments are only used to justify their emotions. If you decide something is special and exempt from morality, you are likely to become a criminal. This kind of thinking is why modern reactionaries cannot be reasoned with. They believe whatever country is “Chosen by God” or “Based on ideas of freedom” and therefore they never stop to question the ethics of anything they are doing or even if their enemies have a valid point. Even smaller groups can foment this mentality and it gets cults to do some very bad and extreme things. The person who thinks like this probably has a part of their brain shut down, and will never escape the fate of being morally bankrupt.

When you develop a logical cause and effect morality when you think about who benefits or is harmed from your actions (If applicable) you begin to realize just how absurd some modern rules and regulations are. The prohibitions on gay marriage or trans people using bathrooms, the bans on books, the bans on women’s reproductive rights, etc. all come from horrible reasoning. The only reason these things are done is because there are enough people who also follow these thought patterns. Determine your own morality and discard anything that does not make sense.


Thousands of years ago, there was a man who was infatuated with a woman in his tribe. His father was a chief and arranged for them to be married, but things were rough. The girl was manipulative and took advantage of the obsession of the boy to gain the food he hunted and a room in his hut. He came back from hunting one day and did not see her in his hut, so he went to ask his father. To his horror, he found his wife sleeping with his father, and dragged her out by her hair to be shunned by the tribe. However, all of the men simply laughed because they had all already slept with the woman. The man became furious and went into the forest to make a deal with an evil god of bacteria. He slaughtered a monkey, an ibex, and a cow then fed to the spirit their bones, flesh, and dung. In exchange, the evil god would cause the girl a contagious rash that caused red bumps and pain to her and all who would engage in sex with her. He fled the town and made sure never to return so he would not catch the curse.

However, over thousands of years the curse put on humanity continued to spread until it became common. Modern medicine has not created a cure but ways to manage it. Many people died of the curse in primitive times, but the virus has evolved over so much time that it is now perfectly adapted to hide in the body and spread without causing the death of its host. Some magicians have said they are able to cure herpes and HIV through supernatural methods, but this may be somewhat difficult to do consistently or replicate on a larger scale and likely requires involvement of powerful love deities such as Venus or Aphrodite.


When humans were made from clay, their brains were added in and made from a pink fluid of the gods that allowed thetans to dock themselves inside of human bodies. Humans were perceived by the gods like artificial intelligence is perceived by us today, often poor imitations of life that could be distinguished and were just outputting responses based on what they were able to perceive, often saying things that were meaningless or that did not match conversations. The god of the moon grew impatient with letting humanity develop naturally, and created a new god to represent the brain. His name was Valtius and he helped shape the brain into how it exists today. He was given books from the library of the underworld on anatomy as well as the designs made for humanity by the goddess Vitruvia. 

Valtius created the left brain and enhanced its ability to process logic and do various forms of math, and the right brain was the creative form created by Valtius under command of Biachar. Valtius appears as a blonde, white, or silver haired man in his mid-twenties with glowing white eyes. He is not explicitly a moon deity, but he is deeply connected to Biachar as a servant of him. He is followed everywhere by three boys who appear to be between the ages of 12-15 who represent different aspects of the creative mind such as flexibility, originality, and curiosity. Sometimes they are his sons, sometimes they are friends or relatives, or they may even have different relationships to Valtius that we would consider unusual such as competitors, co-workers, or partners. They are referred to as the aspects of Valtius and can be worshiped on their own as well under the same name as Valtius and with the same practices.

Valtius is not worshiped at a shrine or summoned because he is present in all our lives as part of our mind. Being creative is the offering Valtius demands if any, and he can assist the magician with this. He can greatly help artists and those seeking solutions for problems that seem difficult. He is loosely associated with The Flowermaker and is sometimes said to be a distant relative of him.


The Bourgeoisie have doors open for them to live in most major cities in the world. If their presence was not bad enough on its own, many of them also gentrify neighborhoods that are historically primarily home to ethnic minorities. Architects in capitalist societies are also incentivized to design bourgeois cities that give the ruling class views on the rest of society or even build huge highways that hide the views of indigenous or minority communities of a city. While the city developments we see now may not be as overtly egregious as colonial developments that made white cities inaccessible to most native residents, the same concept is just applied along economic class lines (Which are intersectional with other demographics) which makes it subtle and less bothersome to those who aren’t familiar with class struggle or the conditions surrounding economic oppression that happens daily in cities.

Homelessness is met with spikes and railings on benches designed to stop people from sleeping. Encampments of homeless people are turned into parking lots if the police are not sent to brutalize them with batons. The regime even designs city centers in ways to make it easier for police to crack down on protests. Despite all of this, we do not see any improvements to the actual working class who are necessary for the continued functioning of the cities. The subways are still dirty, dangerous, and overcrowded since they are privately owned and during rainy seasons can even flood entirely. Infrastructure that benefits anyone except the bourgeoisie is so foreign to the United States that it seems alien and idealistic, despite it being ubiquitous in China or any place in the world that has freed itself from capitalist tyranny.

The world does not need another Dubai or Singapore where rightism, inequality and eugenics dictate infrastructure and city design. The world does not need another Tel Aviv or Washington DC where imperialist wars and genocides are planned. The world needs another Beijing, Pyongyang, Hanoi, or Havana where the masses are happy to live and have neighborhoods and transport designed for the benefit of the working class. Cities free from landlords, petit-bourgeois, and class enemies that are designed for the proletariat and only the proletariat. The masses must be allowed to defend themselves from gentrification, exploitation, police violence, poverty, and all the other inhumane practices of capitalist society.


When researching the pagan origins of the Kaaba, you will most likely find sources that are either for or against Islam, with two conflicting narratives depending on the viewpoint of the person. I am not here to comment on Islam but rather focus on the Kaaba before it was taken over by Mohammed and was used for the worship of ancient gods. I do not mean to offend or imply anything about other faiths, but I feel called upon by the energies and spirits of that monument.

Muslim sources say that the Kaaba was overflowing with idols of various deities. None of these exist today and the details of which deities or even their names are lost to history due to destruction by monotheistic peoples and deliberate erasure of pre-Islamic paganism in Arabia, referred to as Wathanism. Wathanism was very tribal with various villagers worshiping different deities, and it is also believed to have been very syncretic with intermingling with Egyptian and Greek deities.

It is said that Mecca was monotheistic until a merchant from the city went north to the Levant, and returned with an idol of a pagan god. He allegedly put it down in front of the Kaaba and said to the people this would be their new god. This seems unlikely because monotheistic people would probably not worship a pagan idol out of nowhere without any explanation of what it is or its meaning. It is more likely that the Kaaba was originally a sacred, pagan site until its hijacking by the prophet of another religion that overtook it by force. Like other sacred sites that are currently occupied by Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, the old gods stand by waiting for any of the faithful to call upon them.


Once upon a time, there was a queen of bees who wore yellow and black, and that birthed many of the new baby bees that would grow up into workers and produce honey. They lived in peace until one day bears began raiding their settlements and taking their honey. They poisoned many of them and laid traps, but it was not enough since they were physically unable to fight them. They asked around hell for anyone willing to provide them with weapons, and the spider goddess saw an opportunity. She met the queen of bees by a clandestine pier one day and showed her a long metal stinger that could inject poison into anyone that bothered the bees, but warned her that for full functionality it would disembowel any bee that used it since it would be connected to internal venom glands. While it had a large disadvantage, the queen of bees gave the spider goddess bags of honey to pay for this weapon and began distributing it to all the bees.

Over the next few months, the bees were able to kill many of the bears until the only ones left were the ones with the thickest skin that had to be stung in the eyes or ears. However, the bees were able to retreat and move their hives to higher trees where the other animals could not reach them as easily, and their stingers provided enough of a reason for the other animals not to bother them.


Today is a very special day. It is not only the international day of the workers, but also the ancient pagan holiday that it evolved from. It is a very special day for various reasons. Those who have a birthday today should be especially appreciative and make the most of it. Listen to socialist music, contribute to art, and perform your holiday celebrations. Organize as well, and spread class consciousness however you can!

International Workers’ day is called Labor Day in the US, and is toned down and stripped of its revolutionary intention because the US is such a bourgeois country. Spread the word about the true meaning this day has, and prevent reactionaries from hiding how the rest of the world truly celebrates this day! Do not celebrate labor day as a day for office activities, celebrate it as a day for the proletariat to study socialism and plan the downfall of their oppressors!

Happy Workers’ Day Everyone!

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