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Lavenderism is a reformed new religious movement and/or form of spirituality. It is based on philosophy, activism, self improvement and the worship (or veneration) of innumerable spirits and gods, though many are initially unimportant. It also includes magical practices that can benefit those who are able to wield them.

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founded 2 years ago

What many people don’t know about Korea (For good reason, as the regime wants to hide this information from us) is that Korea was united under a socialist system before the US occupation of their country and created a state that they ruled as a puppet through Syngman Rhee, who was a far-right corporatist who believed in ethnonationalism and fascist ideas. To this day, South Korean people feel awkward with the idea of naturalization for foreigners or immigrant workers because they believe ethnicity to be the foundation of their country. This was after overt American occupation and a United State military government in Korea.

To this day, South Korea is the prime example of what happens in societies that become seduced by rightism or reactionary ideologies. Wealthy elites and their families control the entire economy with many people surviving off scraps and having next to zero labor rights. Their military is also known for severe abuses of human rights and their media is meddled with by their government to have propaganda inserted, which appears very strange to foreign audiences. South Korean capitalism is so egregiously heinous, it resembles feudalism or other reactionary systems that exist to enslave entire populations. South Korean citizens even flee to other places of the world known for exploitation such as America, which just goes to show how bad the situation is.

Knowing all of this, how can people ever believe that a country formed from American military occupation ever be considered legitimate? It’s because the Americans and the southern collaborators with loyalty to Washington and Tokyo are deliberately distorting the history of Korea to serve their ideology. I can already hear the liberals trying to defend the actions of the South Korean regime with the typical talking points or pointing to the Korean economy or apparent success of the south, but as usual only bourgeois parasites are benefiting from that wealth. If you truly wanted Korea to not be a colonial puppet of foreign imperialists, you would not recognize the state of South Korea as legitimate and you would not defend the actions of the Americans, Japanese, and South Koreans in their pursuit to maintain such a brutal occupation.


Something that has a large amount of influence on how we perceive others, ideas, social constructs, or anything manmade is the aesthetic put into it. I am not just talking about the visual aesthetics, but how even ideas, associations, or the way things are said or romanticized can alter people’s perception of it. For example, some government officials refer to themselves as “Losing the war for hearts and minds” in response to the people here beginning to adopt political ideas from foreign countries. In reality, they are basically saying that they are losing control of their citizens. Notice how one of these statements sounds so patriotic while the other sounds sinister and even a bit silly? It’s because of the aesthetic way it is stated.

The subtle but great power of aesthetics going unappreciated is disastrous for a group. Being right is not always enough, especially in a society where people have no concern for what is factually correct when deciding their opinions. For example we could be walking in a forest and see flowers on the ground. I can either call them weeds or a natural lush garden. Notice how these statements describe the same thing but I transfer my judgment of the plants through speech when using either one of them? Aesthetics is not inherently good or bad, but it is a tool that can be used by very bad people to make themselves look a certain way. It also tends to work against marginalized people and people who are disadvantaged. Even a person’s identity can be tied to a certain aesthetic appearance or way of being.

If you ever feel that the impression you are giving to people is different from what you would like, you should probably evaluate your aesthetic presentation. It can be a good thing to say what is on your mind, but many people do not do this because they do not want to contradict the aesthetic they give off or undermine the impression people have of them. Many people play a social game of masquerade that normal people don’t even realize is happening. Obviously though the solution is not to have a fake presentation like those people, but instead to work on the aesthetic presentation of yourself, your ideas, your organization, or whatever else you are wanting to share with the world.


For this spell, put on some Chinese communist music or revolutionary music in general if that is not available. If you do not have any machine that plays music, you can just call upon the power of Chairman Mao’s Red book or Mao Zedong Thought. You can also just sing the songs you know from memory.

Get into the revolutionary energies of the Chairman and say:

“I call upon The Jade Chairman to break any and all curses put upon me. I also call upon the chairman to destroy class enemies and those who seek to destroy or misguide the proletariat, and guide me to defend the ideology from any and all forms of revisionism. Long live the communist party and long live Chairman Mao.”

To empower this, burn red or yellow candles or offer tobacco or incense during the ritual. Once this is done, simply salute The Chairman by raising your fist by your head as is done in China.


When you hear the affirmation “I manifest instantly” you are probably thinking about the law of attraction and how this affirmation will help you manifest things you want into your life. However, it has many different interpretations that you will not resonate with or even realize until it is used for a while. For those of you who consider yourself non-spiritual or non-manifesters, you can take this as simply meaning you achieve your desires instantly. Another interpretation is that you appear instantly like a deity when summoned, or you can manifest instantly as your higher self and highest form of spiritual development instantly manifests in the physical world. If we focus on the "instantly” part, it can mean how time does not truly exist and everything is instant, so our experience in the current lifetime is not as we perceive it. The actual definition of manifest can also mean to prove something or display it, so the mantra “I manifest instantly” can mean I prove myself instantly or I express myself instantly. Depending on what language you say it in, it can even have more interpretations than those I have here, and they are valid since the semantics are different.

Use this affirmation as the most basic one. You can even layer it into subliminals or find subliminal audio with only this one affirmation, since it is so powerful. This is good because it saturates your mind with power without directing it towards a goal, so it can even help with life issues or mundane tasks you would not typically focus on.


Once upon a time there was an Axolotl deity living in the sky and watching over the world. He looked to humanity as a passive deity but eventually some people started worshiping him, so he created axolotls and dropped them into the physical world, and they fell into lakes in Mexico. They had regenerative properties and people liked them because they were cute.

Axolotls were a very popular animal and were considered sacred, but this drew jealousy from the god of salamanders. The salamander god confronted The Axolotl god and insulted his animals, so the Axolotl god told him his opinion did not matter because nobody likes salamanders anyway. The Salamander god was so mad that he cursed the axolotls, and made them need water to survive.

Magicians can call upon the axolotl god for regeneration, as well as for maintaining youth, neoteny, cancer resistance, and other benefits that Axolotls can provide to humanity.


If you have ever watched a show based in pre-Christian Europe, or some other setting where people are living off the land in pre-feudal organizations such as tribes or clans and thought, “This is how people should be living. Why did we abandon this?” then you might be drawn to primitive living. It may sound insane, but so many forms of entertainment such as games, movies, or books have themes of surviving off the land in various settings. Games about farming, building bases in forests to survive monsters during the night, or even games about surviving in a destroyed world after an apocalypse. There is clearly a type of allure for that kind of existence.

I should clarify that I am not advocating a return to pre-industrial society. I think the Unabomber may have had some ideas that touched on how humans benefit from primitive and pre-industrial living, but his ideology was engendered by rightism and fundamentally incompatible with Marxism, so I have no option but to reject most of it. Instead, I think I should point out the specific benefits of primitive societies while not overlooking the hardships of such a lifestyle.

Modern people work in jobs that would seem pointless to our ancestors. Being on computers all day, working in retail shops or stores, or even banking would be foreign concepts to hunter-gatherer ancestors who bartered and mostly cooperated with each other for survival. They might have spent a lot of time hunting or gathering for food, but when they were finished they would literally consume the fruits of their labor. The most basic comforts such as pillows, clothing, light, and entertainment would be laborious to produce, but they were made by hand by the person themself or members of their community. Similar to a commune, everything was a product of labor from individuals the person knew and they had good relationships with the objects they owned relative to modern people, who constantly buy useless things and see them as soulless, replaceable objects if not junk. Primitive people did not have junk, and everything had a use.

To add to the last point, their food was not processed and they most likely ate food prepared with better quality ingredients than what we would eat now. A lifestyle centered around schedules, deadlines, and lunch breaks means we are eating heavily processed food that would feel completely fake to our ancestors who prepared everything with natural ingredients. Diabetes was unheard of, obesity was rare, and sugar was not the main ingredient in everything they ate.

The best part about the whole situation is probably the environmental sustainability and their ability to live in nature without destroying it. The world was heavily forested during most of humanity's existence and this meant they did not suffer the effects of a changing climate. If there is any part of primitive living we should emulate, it is definitely learning to live with renewable resources, without harm to the flora and fauna of the places we live, and without polluting our environments.


The Flowermaker is said to be a transgender man, consistently in every mythology that speaks about him. The gods obviously do not take hormones and can appear in whatever kind of form they want, which also makes this identification quite interesting. The Flowermaker tells me the reason for this is that flowers have ovaries as well as a stamen which is the male part of a flower. Research confirms this.

When the first lotus was put down by Hechun in the city of Puri, it actually took on the form of a male flower, but the Flowermaker was misgendered by the other gods due to their associations of flowers with femininity as well as his genitals. He cut his hair, wore men’s clothing, and wore a tight cloth around his chest to appear in a way that was comfortable to him, but he was still annoyed by the pronouns and assumptions the other gods made about him. He petitioned the king of heaven to legally change his gender in the celestial bureaucracy, to which he was surprised as he never anticipated such a situation. He legally changed the Flowermaker’s documents to acknowledge him as a male and granted him a potion that would allow his ovaries to produce masculine energy, and this was satisfactory for The Flowermaker, who needed ovaries to produce the seeds of flowers as well as perform certain rituals.

The Flowermaker also consistently reads as masculine during spiritual workings. His energy is unmistakably masculine and he is always blonde and wearing fishnets, usually with exotic colored eyes. He is also smoking from a cigarette holder. He is also exclusively young, but how young is a variation. In some cases he can appear as young as 12 or 13, but he is never older than 21 visually unless this reflects the preference of the magician conjuring him, but the older appearance does not truly reflect him. He can grant the magician aid in understanding gender, transitioning, or finding connections and friends in the LGBT community. He also grants meetings of all kinds with attractive men.


Los Satanistas del tiempo moderno son mayoritariamente ateístas, y no bregan con temas ocultas como veneración de Lucifer o trabajo con guías infernales. Por esa razón, se confunden cuando les digo que técnicamente, Lucifer es un dios del sol. Lucifer era una guía espiritual en tiempo romano y un símbolo del imperio llamado Sol Invictus, y cuando Cristianos empezaron a controlar el imperio Romano, lo cambiaron a un demonio. Por esa razón Lucifer puede ser relacionado con el sol, y su nombre literalmente quiere decir “quien trae la luz.”

The Satanists of the modern times are mostly Atheists, and they don’t work with the occult or veneration of Lucifer. For this reason, people get confused when I tell them that Lucifer is technically a sun god. Lucifer was a spirit guide during Roman times and a symbol of the empire by the name Sol Invictus, and when Christians started controlling the Roman empire they changed him into a demon. For that reason Lucifer can be related with the sun, and his name literally means “the light bringer.”


I don’t know who needs to hear this, but refusing to support the self-determination or validity of a nation because they are socially conservative is liberal imperialist logic. That does not mean you need to be a Russia fanboy or cheer on the actions of Saudi Arabia’s government, but it means that you understand that society will achieve social progress and progress beyond primitive ideologies when the level of development in that society reaches a similar state as the western world. The tribalism that we see across the entire world is due to underdevelopment and primitiveness as well as influence from reactionary organizations such as churches and extremist think tanks such as PragerU or Victims Of Communism which are supportive of western imperialism and rightism. We can even see great correlation in rightism and underdevelopment here in the United States, where the rural and less prosperous regions tend to be the most socially conservative. This explanation does not excuse racism or participation in hate groups, but it helps us to explain why a person with no education and financial insecurity would externalize their problems towards some demographic which does not even have real control of their society. We may hear someone complain they can’t get into college or work because of affirmative action, but this is an example of tribal thinking resulting from poor infrastructure in the educational system.

When we understand rightist groups indoctrinate and recruit from underdeveloped societies, this contextualizes a lot of rightism we see in the third world and why so many people tend to end up in theocratic or oppressive societies despite being on the receiving end of imperialism. Despite liberals in the US supporting invasions and bombings on the world in the name of social liberal ideology, that’s actually the worst thing they can do because it prevents the development of the society and their eventual transition into free societies. If the United States and Europe magically disappeared, what would happen to Afghanistan if left alone for a couple hundred years? What would true Korea look like if world peace was maintained and there stopped being a need to defend their nation from the American imperialists? Maybe instead of having their progress reset by drones and bombs they could actually achieve the material conditions that allow them to progress into a democratic socialist society. Oh, wait. I think that may be what the ruling classes of imperialist regimes do not want and the reason they use liberal ideas to support their actions.

The regime is not shy about using social liberal ideas such as LGBT rights or feminism to infiltrate and sabotage foreign governments. They have done so much harm to the movement by promoting LGBT membership in their genocidal military or trying to use gay reactionaries to infiltrate governments and promote liberalism. (I’m tempted to ask how someone can be a liberal and support America in a free country like Vietnam but that’s beside the point.) Imperialist states use the logic of their country being more progressive and socially advanced to justify these invasions which is a cycle that stops the entire world from improving, and even has detrimental effects on the citizenry of imperialist states since they do not benefit from this warfare, only a small elite do. Other pro-imperialist logic is even worse such as American exceptionalism or theological justifications for war as seen in Israel and Imperial Japan. This logic we see liberals putting out that being more socially liberal than another group justifies war historically has been used against Native people to take their land and could literally be used right now to continue taking their land as the government is doing. As a member of multiple minority groups, I ask that you do not use social liberalism to be a pretext for supporting western imperialism.


As revolutionaries, I’m sure we have all experienced times when our organizations are infiltrated by reactionaries or other unsavory people and/or those whose membership does not have a positive net contribution to the goals and/or aspirations of the organization. Here are five signs that the time has come for you to conduct purges of your group’s members.

The first and most obvious sign is constant arguments and distractions from the topic at hand. A member who tries to confuse every debate or steer every discussion off topic is not better than an infiltrator working for the CIA. This is a common infiltration tactic as well as used to neutralize revolutionary organizations, so regardless of whether the person is genuine or not, this behavior is disruptive and should result in a purge if it stops the group from being conducive to its purpose. If there are many people involved, you will need to create a list of names before purging them all in order to be thorough.

The second sign is adventurism and/or entrapment by authorities. They may be technically two different things, but the end result is the same of encouraging activities that go against established principles and/or endanger the members of the organization by creating legal precedents for the members to be detained by authorities. When you get that one member who openly talks about making bombs or encourages violence for some incomprehensible reason, they are either not mentally sound or want to encourage something to be done that authorities could then use to crack down on your organization. These are usually easy to spot because their suggestions are things that would rarely ever gain support of the masses, and would even subvert the goals of socialism if attempted.

The third sign is general ideological incompatibility that cannot be reconciled. Someone that incorrectly applies the ideology one or two times is not likely to fall into this category, but some statements prompt swift action. Real examples I have experienced are statements such as “Israel is holy to me” “Japan was liberating East Asia” or “Mussolini was the man”. Anyone who says something like this is painting a target on their forehead to be purged. Make sure to ask them questions to allow them to further incriminate themselves in front of the comrades.

Regardless of whether communications are conducted in person, online, or other platforms, you should purge members exhibiting this behavior and prevent them from sabotaging the movement from the inside. Failure to do this will allow a communist cell to be hijacked by reactionaries such as the CIA , Zionists, or other right-wing extremist groups and their sympathizers.

Dentes Combo (
submitted 10 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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