Jaberwocki took down the Saturday Challenge with Rakdos Sacrifice and komattaman took down the Sunday Showcase Challenge, topping 418 other players with Boros Exile!
Saturday Challenge
Full Results: https://www.mtgo.com/en/mtgo/decklist/pioneer-challenge-2023-06-2412560121
- Rakdos Sacrifice: Jaberwocki
- Azorius Control: \VFS\
- Boros Convoke Aggro: guiyote
- Green Devotion: Breckoroni
- Green Devotion: HouseOfManaMTG
- Temur Vehicles: Parrotlet
- Abzan Greasefang: Ant\_Are\_MTG
- Green Devotion: varal
- Mono-White Humans: qbturtle15
- Mono-White Humans: jakers1016
- Izzet Creativity: xfile
- Green Devotion: Shino95
- Mono-Black Midrange: Boin
- Azorius Spirits: remf
- Rakdos Midrange: battlemanda
- Abzan Greasefang: nickdebe
- Izzet Phoenix: boytriton
- Rakdos Goblins: AlpacaGaming
- Lotus Field Combo: toothymtg
- Dimir Control: ScreenwriterNY
- Mono-White Humans: IntrepidZero
- Izzet Phoenix: karatedom
- Izzet Creativity: FerMTG
- Boros Convoke Aggro: pokerswizard
- Rakdos Sacrifice: Kaies
- Mono-White Humans: B1gDan
- Azorius Spirits: stevenxanthony
- Green Devotion: Marthamtg
- Atarka Red: DookieTrouserMD
- Izzet Phoenix: ShikiXYZ
- Green Devotion: GlowinHammerfist
- Enigmatic Fires: DarkestMage
Top 32 Breakdown
Deck | Top 32 | Top 16 | Top 8 |
Green Devotion | 6 | 4 | 3 |
Mono-White Humans | 4 | 2 | 0 |
Izzet Phoenix | 3 | 0 | 0 |
Abzan Greasefang | 2 | 2 | 1 |
Boros Convoke | 2 | 1 | 1 |
Rakdos Sacrifice | 2 | 1 | 1 |
Azorius Spirits | 2 | 1 | 0 |
Izzet Creativity | 2 | 1 | 0 |
Other | 9 | 4 | 2 |
Sunday Showcase Challenge
Full Results: https://www.mtgo.com/en/mtgo/decklist/pioneer-showcase-challenge-2023-06-2512560083
- Boros Exile: komattaman
- Enigmatic Fires: reisenza
- Mono-White Humans: Rithenium
- Green Devotion: Golden91
- Azorius Control: Xatrith
- Rakdos Sacrifice: Olivetti
- Green Devotion: sonal83
- Green Devotion: azax
- Green Devotion: Arianne
- Mono-Red Aggro: ShowTime\_
- Mono-White Humans: annabelious
- Dimir Archfiend Alteration: OafMcNamara
- Izzet Phoenix: aManatease
- Green Devotion: \ZNT\
- Green Devotion: MikoGK
- Azorius Spirits: Marcuzinho
- Rakdos Sacrifice: LaturatheLucis
- Keruga Fires: Toltar
- Bant Lotus Field Control: MadMaxErnst
- Azorius Control: capellomauro
- Azorius Control: Ignotus97
- Gruul Vehicles: orantspro
- Rakdos Midrange: tchuco
- Mono-Black Midrange: Kritik
- Rakdos Midrange: Scyrak
- Rakdos Sacrifice: JMM
- Rakdos Sacrifice: EdB
- Abzan Greasefang: Gerschi
- Azorius Spirits: ThaisM
- Izzet Creativity: yriel
- Rakdos Midrange: Yumcheuk
- Mono-White Humans: ura\_frst
Top 32 Breakdown
Deck | Top 32 | Top 16 | Top 8 |
Green Devotion | 6 | 6 | 3 |
Rakdos Sacrifice | 4 | 1 | 1 |
Mono-White Humans | 3 | 2 | 1 |
Azorius Control | 3 | 1 | 1 |
Rakdos Midrange | 3 | 0 | 0 |
Azorius Spirits | 2 | 1 | 0 |
Other | 11 | 5 | 2 |
Repost from /r/pioneermtg by /u/arinceo