Torrents.csv is a collaborative repository of torrents and their files, consisting of a searchable torrents.csv
, and torrent_files.csv
. With it you can search for torrents, or files within torrents. It aims to be a universal file system for popular data.
Its initially populated with a January 2017 backup of the pirate bay, and new torrents are periodically added from various torrents sites. It comes with a self-hostable Torrents.csv webserver, a command line search, and a folder scanner to add torrents, and their files.
will only store torrents with at least one seeder to keep the file small, will be periodically purged of non-seeded torrents, and sorted by infohash.
To request more torrents, or add your own, go here.
Made with Rust, ripgrep, Actix, Inferno, Typescript.