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The original was posted on /r/twoxchromosomes by /u/hyperfocuspocus on 2023-09-24 04:00:41.

I went on a hike today and one of the guys there was talking about his GF. Her work, her achievements, academics, movies she made.

It was so awesome to hear a guy talking about his GF like that. Like he’s in love with her brain.

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The original was posted on /r/twoxchromosomes by /u/fluffy_doughnut on 2023-09-23 22:50:10.

I'm looking for a car. I'm not an expert, so I asked my friend, who is a mechanic, for help. I was prepared and ready for car sellers, who will (and they did) totally ignore me and only talk to the man. I didn't mind it that much, because clearly my friend knows a lot about cars and I don't, so well.

But when it comes to driving - oof. I've had my driver's license for almost 10 years. No accidents. My partner says I'm a very good and confident driver.

While looking at one car, I asked the seller if we could do a test drive. He said of course, but - "I will drive first and then we switch". Ehrmmm okayyyy that was weird, happened to me for the first time. Anyway, we hop in the car, he's driving, small talk, blah blah blah. Then we switch seats and that's when it got awkward. I fastened seatbelts and he immediately says "remember about the hand brake".


I step on the gas, drive slowly to get back on the road and Mr Car Seller decided to add another brilliant thought during this ride:

"Whew, so far so good, we're on the road!"

Wow. I didn't hesitate and asked "and?". He got uncomfortable so I repeat "We're on the road and?". That man was even more uncomfortable and said "oh you know what it's like with women sometimes, they're afraid to drive". Wow. Told him I've been driving for almost 10 years. Wanted to ask him at what point do you need a pnis to drive a car. What a dck.

I didn't buy that car anyways, my friend told me this car was shit and the seller was shady.

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The original was posted on /r/twoxchromosomes by /u/unusualspider33 on 2023-09-24 01:47:48.

I was wearing a cropped tank top and they yelled at me to cover up/put a shirt on and started laughing. I had a jacket on so I thought I’d be safe. Literally nobody did anything but several RAs and RCs turned their heads (it was at a school event) but everyone just kind of ignored it.

I don’t know why I can’t shake these things. I told my roommate and she was just like “ugh, that’s life”. Other girls seem to get over these things/adapt to them so quickly but I just can’t let go when things like this happen.

This is the most disgusting campus I’ve ever been at. I went to a Christian school not because I am religious but because I wanted to avoid things like this.

For context I am a freshman but I used to go to a residential high school on a college campus. It was secular and I’ve only heard of 1-2 catcalls/assaults/rapes happening there and there were serious consequences for the guys. At this Christian school that I’m at now, there were two rapes within the first week and all of my friends have been harassed/assaulted multiple times with zero action from anyone. They all seem so at peace with it and it makes me feel weak.

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The original was posted on /r/twoxchromosomes by /u/throwaway29384857 on 2023-09-24 01:23:22.

As the title says, I accidentally went to one, and now I'm scared they might send mail to my house to convince me to not get an abortion if i'm pregnant. Can and will crisis pregnancy centers do that?? I'm scared that they might've possibly messed with my test result as well. Can they do that?

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The original was posted on /r/twoxchromosomes by /u/EpiphanieDeStephanie on 2023-09-23 23:59:28.

Let me preface this story by letting y’all know that I’m a trans woman.

I went out with some cisgender friends tonight, and when they dropped me home around midnight, they accidentally drove some distance past my home before stopping the car. The guy at the wheel didn’t want to turn the car around and asked me to get out and cover that distance on foot.

There's a 10 day long festival in progress in my country, so a lot more people are staying out late than usual. There were a couple of groups of men loitering about in the distance between the car and my home and it’s likely that at least some of them had been drinking because of the festivities.

As y’all might expect, I didn’t like the idea of having to walk past all of those potentially inebriated men alone, but my guy friends couldn’t understand why I hesitated to get out of the car. They got impatient but, just as I had given in and decided to risk it, the other woman in the car made them turn the car around and drive up to my home. I was very relieved and grateful for her intervention.

It’s not the first time she has helped me, either. One night, when I had an accident on my little scooter and fractured my elbow, she came to my rescue and drove me to the ER after I posted a message in my friends’ group chat. She then stayed with me for half the night until my family arrived.

I really don’t deserve her. 😭❤️

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The original was posted on /r/twoxchromosomes by /u/fine-as-frogs-hair on 2023-09-23 22:33:10.

Boyfriends or husbands who ignore you or make your life miserable in other ways because you don’t want to engage in sex frequently enough for them

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The original was posted on /r/twoxchromosomes by /u/livingadhesively on 2023-09-23 20:34:01.

I already knew that I often attract a particular type of guy - a bit arty, often alternative / gothy. I haven't had any reason to complain about that before, but pre-pandemic it wasn't the only kind of guy I was meeting, and now it is. More particularly, the type of alternative guy who prides himself on being Different and liking Unusual and Weird things that other people don't Get or know about ... goth hipsters, basically. It's mostly about being into punk or metal music, and it being important that I am too. Which I am, so it's generally fine, but I do also like to listen to other types of music too and would just like ... something different, for a change.

Anyway, I realised this because on three of the last five dates I've been on, they've brought up the subject by talking about the Nova Twins, who I have heard of (ironically from another pre-pandemic date) and I think are alright, and then they act super surprised and impressed that I know who they are. I get that they are not a mainstream band, but with the way I am hearing about them, it seems like they're probably pretty well-known in the alternative scene?

The worst example of this was actually another pre-pandemic one, where I went out with a guy to a really great live music bar that was near my work at the time that I'd never known was there - so a great, big surprise - but he then made a point of saying he never goes to the same place twice, so even though this bar was great, and very convenient for me, he would not be going back there. Ever, because there are so many things to see and do (London, UK) that there is no reason to ever do the same thing twice. And then got really offended when I said I didn't understand that, like how much time do you spend experiencing bad things just because they're new? and made a huge 'joke' about how he'd only be going out with me the one time. (Which we did).

Having the same small band recommended to me over and over again in a couple of months woke me up to the fact that I'm in a pattern, how do I work out how I'm getting into that pattern and get out of it?

It might also be relevant, in that I attract (but don't date) more than my fair share of addicts or recovering addicts, but I often find that goes hand in hand with the punk/alternative thing, and if I find that out then I'm polite but don't date them.

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The original was posted on /r/twoxchromosomes by /u/shallah on 2023-09-23 20:15:05.

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The original was posted on /r/twoxchromosomes by /u/happysprouttt on 2023-09-23 18:39:20.

I am currently in school and work in the service industry part-time to make money. I started at a new place about 2 months ago.

Recently, it feels like every day I'm getting compliments. I was on the phone with my guy friend the other day and I told him how much I hate getting compliments from customers, specifically men. I have worked in the restaurant industry since I was around 14 (now in my 20s) but the compliments only have started recently as I'm a late bloomer. Compliments from male customers don't feel like compliments, they just make me feel uncomfortable.

I was ranting about work and told my guy friend I missed going unnoticed. I told him I don't know what to do in these situations as I am not used to the compliments. He doesn't see the problem with it. He said to just say, "Thank you", because they are complimenting me and saying nice things about me. I told him I say, "Thank you," because it's my job to be polite but they aren't compliments to me.

I know not all men are bad and not every compliment comes from a creepy place but I have had some really creepy experiences with men in the service industry trying to hit on me, trying to touch me, etc. and so compliments essentially do the opposite of what they are "supposed" to. I don't feel "pretty" or "beautiful", I gross and want to disinfect my body with bleach. At this point, I only like or feel comfortable with compliments from women. I am also Asian so I get some weird race/fetish comments. I've gotten them enough that I can tell before they even open their mouth that they are going to bring up my race.

My friend asked me if I would rather be ugly or have them call me "ugly", and the answer is yes. In this scenario, I would love to be "ugly". The restaurant I work at now is really good about helping me out if I feel uncomfortable, the manager will take care of it or one of the guys will come help me out. I know this is expected in the service industry but I miss going unnoticed.

I know my friend doesn't believe that men can't be creepy as we've talked about it in the past but I ended the call by telling him that as a tall straight muscular dude, he doesn't get to have an opinion on whether or not I interpret a compliment as a compliment as he clearly doesn't get it and probably never will.

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The original was posted on /r/twoxchromosomes by /u/scrollsalot on 2023-09-23 20:08:15.

My company does business with a wide variety of different contractors from different backgrounds. Recently I was included to aid with negotiating a new contract with a smaller family owned company with a deeply religious background. The company I work for has done business with them for years, but this is the first time I have worked with them. Before the start of the meeting all the men shook hands with each other, yet declined my hand laughing saying I would soon learn more about their religion.

I looked into it later and am feeling weird about what I've read. Three of the main reasons I have seen:

  1. Out of respect to their wives
  2. Resist temptation / sexual urges
  3. Not knowing if a woman is menstruating ("ritual impurity")

I'm kind of horrified with these reasons. I understand it's because of religious values, but these values make me feel small and ashamed of myself. A handshake with me is not sexual. Any contact with my body is not sexual. It's not disrespectful to touch my hand.

I would never in a million years force anyone to shake my hand, but just knowing these are the values behind some religious groups avoiding shaking the hands of the opposite sex makes me sad. I'm not trying to be insensitive or discriminate against any religion which is part of the reason I am declining to write what their religion is. This isn't me trying to attack any specific religion. This isn't even about the religion itself. It was just disheartening to read these values and slightly infuriating how a lot of the articles I came across frame it in this light hearted manner. I just feel like if you removed the aspect of religion these reasons would never be acceptable today.

I'm posting just to hear others views or insight.

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The original was posted on /r/twoxchromosomes by /u/jortsborby on 2023-09-23 19:37:40.

I got this trashy tattoo on my hips back when I was 18 that says “Your Name” a la Steve-O from Jackass. After a recent assault it was much less funny, and my mom paid for me to get it covered. The guy I usually go to was booked that day so I went to the shop’s “visiting artist” who I’m going to call Todd. Todd only wore short shorts for both appts (this isn’t important but I want you all to know anyways).

These tattoos are HIGH on my hips, basically on my crotch. I had to wear a thong and no pants to get them done as regular underwear covered the area getting tattooed.

So I’m not new to getting tattooed but these were incredibly painful. Any time I would yell out “motherfcker” or “fck” he would respond with “aw how did you know my name” or other borderline demeaning comments. When I came in for day two of the tattoos he goes “well aren’t you a little masochist”. I understand this is tattoo culture to be edgy but man did it feel uncomfortable and demeaning. Not to mention the entire time he’s tattooing my tattoos his hand is directly on top of my crotch, which again, benefit of the doubt, could be necessary, but was still super uncomfortable.

Fast forward to now. I tell my best friend about it and turns out he’s been harassing them over instagram. Both harassing them in the dm’s asking when they are going to start getting a tattoo from him and commenting stuff like “you look fire” or “hot” with fire emojis. Once again, Todd is at it making us uncomfortable.

I just don’t get it. Is he just bad at boundaries? We are both afab nb and dress more feminine but is that why he just goes unchecked? I will add in his benefit one of his girlfriends is there as his apprentice watching the ENTIRE time and that helped a bit but without her I would have left before he finished the first tattoo.

Edit: I forgot to add! He also had me stand on the street, pantsless, for a video of my tattoos (crotch) so he could have “natural lighting”.

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The original was posted on /r/twoxchromosomes by /u/Difficult_League_852 on 2023-09-23 19:24:17.

He ignore all the signs of her mental illness while paying for my brother therapy. My brother is in therapy because he is a violent abusive man who beat his sisters and mother, my father called him "a lost man who need guidance".

My sister was the victim of our brother violence, he stabbed her twice when she was 14 because she slamed her door after an argument. Our father told her it wouldn't have happened if she wasn’t such a "little brat". He payed therapy so my brother would avoid jail, he left her live with him after and she kept being a victim of him.

I didn't know any if that happened, they all lied to me, telling me that she was assault on the street. Now she tried to end her life and our father kicked her out and disowned her, mother said nothing.

My brother is now a good man in need of help while my sister is putting dirt on our name...

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The original was posted on /r/twoxchromosomes by /u/pandaexpresschef on 2023-09-23 16:43:07.

I came over to my boyfriends apartment and he had a bunch of letters sitting out from his best friend who just joined the military. There were about 5 full pages front to back. At first I thought they were love letters from an ex girlfriend or something until I saw the dates on them. They were just sitting out in the bathroom, I didn’t read everything but just kind of glanced to see what they were.

It looks like he’s the only person she’s written to, since in one she specifically asked him to pass a message on to her mom and other people. The week she was leaving my boyfriend almost completely ignored me and spent all his time and attention on her. In one letter she started with “Heyy, how does it feel not having me around all the time? Usually we’d be at your apartment or at the gym right now.” She also said in one “I can’t stand white girls” (I’m white) and she talked a lot about her feelings and how she misses him.

I’m a little suspicious of this, but am I overreacting?

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The original was posted on /r/twoxchromosomes by /u/Vagina_wielder on 2023-09-23 14:49:53.

Some of you may remember a post I made yesterday. It has been removed entirely

I posted about how certain “feminist” concepts are used to exploit and manipulate women (like Hugh Hefner and playboy did with the “female sexual empowerment and equality!” To make money off of them and abuse them) and how men in everyday life try to exploit women’s desire to rebel against purity culture to encourage things like casual sex and going 50/50 as “equality”

Whether anyone is ready for that conversation or agrees or not, imagine thinking that it’s not only, as reddit put it, “spreading hate and inciting violence against a vulnerable group”, but that MEN are a vulnerable group

While I can’t remember word for word every single thing I wrote

I certainly don’t think most would consider the encouragement of women to reconsider making a potential partner have to earn sexual access to be an incitement of violence unless one is a massive Incel that equates celibacy with a personal attack

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The original was posted on /r/twoxchromosomes by /u/whoinvitedthesepeopl on 2023-09-23 17:09:19.

I filed for divorce over a year ago and finally got the divorce finalized about 4 months ago. My ex has been good about not contacting me directly through email or my phone. But every time something happens in the divorce proceedings and attempts to wrap up the outstanding items from the agreement he starts sending me weird 3rd party texts or emails, or signing me up for things. I know it is him because he signs up for them in his name but gives them my phone or email so I get the conformation messages and spam. I have gotten things like he signed up for some flu shot offer, texts for a haircut appointment, he online booked at a therapist's office, various timeshare and that kind of things, oh and pornhub.

We never comingled accounts or email addresses and these only show up after he doesn't get his way about something. It is really hard to prove anything to an extent to take it to the police or request the court do something. Anyone have any thoughts on what I can do to make it stop? I already changed my phone number on one phone and am moving important accounts to a new email address so I can phase out the existing email addresses.

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The original was posted on /r/twoxchromosomes by /u/aBitOfaNut on 2023-09-23 15:10:48.

So depending where you live I guess, but where I am you can order alcohol through UberEats and the like. You have to show your whole ass ID to this random driver who takes a picture of it and uploads it to the app, and who knows, maybe saves it to his phone too. Now this random person has all your info. Full name, date of birth, a picture of you, whatever important ID number that is on the card.

They also have your address through the app and likely your cell phone number.

So this happened (which is what prompted this post):

The driver last night (who had delivered before when I ordered wine with my dinner and he took my ID that time) was delivering me a pizza. He texted me it smells so good and he wants… sorry no, he said he will come in and eat it with me. I texted him right back and said “oh no, WE don’t want to share our pizza with you lol” like laughing it off and implying to him I’m not at home alone.

Now I guess when you show your ID elsewhere the person can memorize what’s on it, sure. But this whole taking it and putting it in your phone forever doesn’t sit right with me I’m realizing. What are your thoughts and experiences on this topic?

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The original was posted on /r/twoxchromosomes by /u/talarthearmenian on 2023-09-23 16:29:01.

I'm on my period right now and as usual that means I am so dehydrated I am having to walk on my toes because if I put all my body weight on my feet the cramps will make the spinal pain worse. I hate this. I'm in so much pain but can't sleep because I have to watch over my grandma. I hate my uterus and I fucking hate being a woman. My OBGYN said there's nothing wrong with my uterus so it's basically just being an absolute fucking bitch to me and I'm so exhausted. My grandma fell last night at 4am so not only was I already running on no sleep because of the pain but had to lift her up while dealing with severe pain. I don't blame grandma at all it just fucking sucks and made the pain so much worse. I'm chugging Gatorade and pedialyte and praying the pain stops. Please does anyone know how to fix the pain? I took pamprin but it isn't making s single dent. I'm trying so hard to not sob right now because I don't want my grandma to worry but the pain is so bad

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The original was posted on /r/twoxchromosomes by /u/iamnotapotato_really on 2023-09-23 15:03:13.

Inspired by a question and the comments I saw on another subreddit. The question was something along the lines of "what insecurities to women have that men don't care about?"

A lot of responses claim women judge other women more than men do. I've seen this opinion a lot over the years.

I'm curious about the experience of all of you. I've only been bullied for my appearance by other girls a few times, and that was way back in middle school.

Since then and all through adulthood, all of my ensecurities came from men, mostly intimate partners. Of my experience with female friends and relatives, I only ever heard of shitty things men had said to them about their bodies.

What experiences do you all have? Do you think women judge other women more than men judge women?

Edit: not my intention to generalize any gender, I'm curious about personal, anecdotal experiences.

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The original was posted on /r/twoxchromosomes by /u/Xilizhra on 2023-09-23 13:03:58.

Specifically, the trend of trying to criticize toxic men for being insufficiently manly. I know that it's probably usually well-intentioned, but it's also completely incorrect. There's nothing that defines a man other than adulthood and identifying as such: decency, resilience, and all that jazz are part of being a good human and have nothing to do with gender roles.

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The original was posted on /r/twoxchromosomes by /u/dreamysleepyexplorer on 2023-09-23 14:15:01.

Yesterday I was scrolling through reels where a girl was asking his boyfriend the names of beauty products and he didn't know most of them , in comments a girl had commented I also don't know half of the products and everyone was calling her a pick me , like wtf isn't it completely okay if I don't know what those are called or how they are applied ? I myself am not fond of makeup , I like doing it occasionally , I don't like lipsticks , I don't like eye liner , and I don't have anything against women who like putting makeup on , my friend does super amazing makeup and I adore her and compliment her for her skills , but I personally don't like applying makeup and don't know about makeup products . Dore this make me a "pick me" ? Like please don't make this something abnormal to not like applying makeup as a woman or girl and it does not make me less feminine , I love to dress up , I love my femininity and I believe I don't need to apply makeup to prove this.

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The original was posted on /r/twoxchromosomes by /u/dubious_unicorn on 2023-09-23 14:16:17.

I just came across a post in another sub where a 22 year old girl wrote a super vulnerable post about how she got "blackout drunk" and had sex with her former middle school teacher, who is twenty years older than she is. He asked her for nudes that she took when she was 17 years old. There are a bunch of men in the comments who see absolutely nothing wrong with what this man did. They're defending his actions and even telling her that she is the problem because she has issues with alcohol. Some outright accused her of lying.

What is wrong with Reddit that this is so common??? This girl was groomed, manipulated, and sexually assaulted while she was blackout drunk. Her former teacher is a predator who is seeking nude photos of teenage girls. And men are coming out of the woodwork to defend him and gaslight and shame her.

What the actual fuck?

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The original was posted on /r/twoxchromosomes by /u/MuserofMusic on 2023-09-23 13:00:31.

I got a new mountain bike and this was my second time taking it out for a ride. I always use a path that is popular with dog walkers and cyclists, and I chose to go in a direction that I've only ever done once before because its a longer ride, and I wanted to get a decent amount of exercise in.

I'm about half an hour in, going a decent pace and feeling like I'm doing pretty well, and along comes a guy on an electric bike. He passes me easily (because he's using the electric) and then turns back to me and starts going "Go on girl, keep pushing!". I don't have a problem with a comment like that in passing, because yeah, I am pushing myself. But I stupidly made a comment back about how it's OK for him because he's on an electric bike.

This must have signalled to him that I was engaging in conversation, because he stayed with me for about 10 minutes after that talking to me about electric bikes, the area we live in, where he lives now. I engaged in the conversation because I'm very socially anxious and I didn't feel as though I had a choice but to go along with what was happening.

I got to a point and said "I think I'm gonna turn around and go back now". I didn't feel as though I could tell him to leave me alone even though I was trying to enjoy a bike ride by myself. He was nice enough, he wasn't being inappropriate or anything, I just would have rather been left alone to ride.

I feel really confused because I don't know if I'm justified in feeling like this. He was riding to the very end of the path so I knew if I didn't turn around I'd probably be stuck talking to him for a lot longer. I feel as though he wouldn't have passed another man and told him to "keep pushing".

I just wanted to go for a bike ride and not be bothered by anyone.

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The original was posted on /r/twoxchromosomes by /u/metalmorian on 2023-09-23 10:39:25.

Original Title: Something that was posted on another sub doesn't set right with me: If your child (18), against your advice, begs their partner to keep a pregnancy they didn't want, and partner then fucks off after birth and only pays child support, are you as mother of the parent then responsible for them?

Like the heading says. This applies to both sons and daughters.

I feel that since he was willing to raise a baby on his own to the degree that he fought against an abortion knowing the mother didn't want this child, then he cannot blame me for not going to college and making something better of himself than a minimum wage worker, and he shouldn't be expecting me to contribute to his household, either through direct means (asking me for money) or indirect means (expecting childcare to go to college, asking his siblings who still live at home to ask me for money to give to him/her).

From what I understand, most colleges in the US cost a mountain to attend even if you live at home, and don't provide free childcare so he might have to move to a different city to get the childcare, but then he has to pay a mountain of money for extra accommodation and food, which without the baby, he could have had at home. But instead, he chose to crash his entire life into a wall.

If he was given proper sex education and continued information on safe sex, and he chose to father a child he couldn't care for instead of going to college, leading to him being stuck in a minimum wage job, why should i be held liable, and called an asshole when I don't want to contribute?

I don't know, I just don't feel like I should be responsible for the children my children create to the extend that I'm paying for things my minor kids say they need but instead they give that money to their brother.

Are we, as women, just responsible for our kids to the end of infinity, and responsible forever for cleaning up their messes?

Is this another "but familllyyyyyy means you must sacrifice all of yourself forever" thing that I'm too autistic to understand?

I mean I wouldn't cut him off, but I also wouldn't be providing the kind of money that would pay rent and food for two people for a month (simply because I can't afford it), and I wouldn't be providing childcare other than occasional babysitting.

But somehow, this is seen as a problem?

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The original was posted on /r/twoxchromosomes by /u/Moist_Policy_71 on 2023-09-23 07:22:01.

Awhile back, I saw one of those tradwife TikToks making the rounds on Twitter. Y'know the ones, where some cute-but-smug 23y/o woman gushes about the joy of making bread from scratch and obeying her husband's every word while wearing a weirdly suggestive summer dress that shows off her tiddies as she leans over to knead dough?

It sparked a thought: How is the lifestyle these women promote different from people who live as subs in a full-time BDSM master/slave relationship?

The dynamic seems near identical, but instead of it being overtly sexual, it has a "wholesome" conservative Cottagecore façade draped over it. You obey your Husband/Master's every word, you live to serve him, there's a free-use arrangement re: sex, your Husband/Master takes on the responsibility and duties that come along with accepting the dominant role, etc.

I have a sneaking suspicion Tradwives are women who'd have ended up in a full-time BDSM relationship if they'd just grown up in a more liberal area that allowed women to explore their sexuality without fear of judgement, but because they didn't, they interpreted this desire to be Dommed as "I simply understand my role as a woman is to serve and obey a man, it's the natural order!".

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The original was posted on /r/twoxchromosomes by /u/drbaker87 on 2023-09-23 05:58:24.

I like having sex with my boyfriend because I like being touched, kissed and all that good stuff. I know my clit works and I can have clitoral orgasms. But my vagina is a dead zone. When he gets in, I feel nothing other than the sensation of something going in and out.

I bought a toy that is supposed to stimulate the "g-spot" and still nothing. I've twisted it around, tried out different areas...just to see if I can feel SOMETHING. Sometimes when I have my legs up on his shoulder while laying on my back, I feel the intense sensation to pee. I am not a fan of this feeling at all...and it kinda hurts.

Am I broken?

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