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The original was posted on /r/twoxchromosomes by /u/whoinvitedthesepeopl on 2023-09-23 17:09:19.
I filed for divorce over a year ago and finally got the divorce finalized about 4 months ago. My ex has been good about not contacting me directly through email or my phone. But every time something happens in the divorce proceedings and attempts to wrap up the outstanding items from the agreement he starts sending me weird 3rd party texts or emails, or signing me up for things. I know it is him because he signs up for them in his name but gives them my phone or email so I get the conformation messages and spam. I have gotten things like he signed up for some flu shot offer, texts for a haircut appointment, he online booked at a therapist's office, various timeshare and that kind of things, oh and pornhub.
We never comingled accounts or email addresses and these only show up after he doesn't get his way about something. It is really hard to prove anything to an extent to take it to the police or request the court do something. Anyone have any thoughts on what I can do to make it stop? I already changed my phone number on one phone and am moving important accounts to a new email address so I can phase out the existing email addresses.