Firefox has a lot of issues, but maybe we don't have any other option.
A place to discuss the news and latest developments on the open-source browser Firefox
For shopping? That can also be done via Firefox.
I don't want to use Firefox for shopping.
That's definitely a reason hmm
I don't owe anyone a reason for my preferences.
I see, it's because of potential trackers and cookies. So if you use another browser it's less likely those companies can track you. (despite you have the same IP address). I'm just saying, if you do give your reason, we might can provide a better solution here. Like maybe a VPN.
I already run a VPN. Some of my computers use it, some don't. I don't really use the Internet on a couple of them.
I also run a mix of Linux and Windows machines. It all depends on my intention for that machine.
Chrome is Google for me. I don't (usually) connect my Firefox browser to Google.