Waveshare ESP32-S3-Zero is a tiny WiFi and BLE IoT module with a USB-C port, up to 32 GPIOs
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dragontamer's Beginner Guides:
Beginner Series I: What is a Microcontroller?
Beginner Series II: The "Generic" Microcontroller
Beginner Sidenote: Microchip's Signal Chain Design Guide
Beginner Series III: Skills and Complexity Tiers
Beginner Series IV: Deep Dive into Microchip's AVR EA
Would you be able to make a keyboard with this to use 2.4ghz? Is there any firmware that would allow that at the moment that this could run?
I don't think there's any firmware support for keyboard over IP (I assume this is what you want rather than a different protocol over a wifi network), though zmk does Bluetooth support I believe.
Oh is it not the 2.4ghz that is used for other non Bluetooth wireless peripherals? I have much more stability using them over Bluetooth. Bluetooth almost always causes issues for me. Repeated inputs and dropped connections etc.
Huh, I guess you could; you're right, they are. I still can't think of any open source firmware with support for it.
Damn. Wish i was better at low level programming, as I'd attempt it myself
There are some open source firmware implantations for some peripherals with wifi dongles, perhaps they could be instructive?