this post was submitted on 09 Oct 2024
87 points (96.8% liked)

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[–] [email protected] 19 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

He did do this kinds of things as rebellion towards his upbringing. He had a family who loved him who were devastated by his unnecessary loss. Part of the reason he is romanticized is because he could've lived a comfortable life, his family was wealthy, stable, and loving. This has encouraged others to try and live up to his misled ideals and caused them to also put their lives in unnecessary danger.

Also, this people put themselves in danger and then others have to put themselves in danger to rescue them or fix what they broke hurting themselves. People used to have to be rescued from the bus regularly afterwards.

I genuinely think he was suicidal, and his story encourages other's suicidal behavior. That alone is dangerous. This behavior is never rational. It stems from a warped view of reality.