this post was submitted on 14 Oct 2024
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"You are failing the very basics of reading comprehension here."
this doesn't make any sense with respect to my comments. what do you mean?
oh, here's why:
"I can't even figure out what the hell you're talking about."
yeah, you being confused doesn't mean other people are confused.
You are confused
"As I've said repeatedly, real zoologists discover and document new species."
oh, like cryptozoologists have.
got it.
Now you're taking up the mantle of my argument.
"You're completely dismissing the work of naturalists, biologists, and the occasional trophy hunter, and instead crediting a concept that wouldn't exist for half a century. "
by agreeing with your point that zoologists and cryptozoologists discover animals?
The development of a concise term for someone studying mythical animals doesn't mean nobody studied and discovered mythical animals before then because they found evidence of their existence.
lasers were invented the '60s, they didn't get named lasers until the '70s.
didn't mean lasers weren't real until they came up with a good name.
at best, you're arguing that all cryptozoologists are legitimate zoologists since they discover new animals.
"I'm not gonna keep banging my head against this wall."
If that's what you've been doing, your goofy mental gymnastics so far make much more sense in context.