Since of yesterday evening, the Memmy App gives me an Error on startup (see image).
I can see the app had an Update, so I guess it is related to that. On Init, I can see the background-image (dark orange with planet) and after a second the error pops up. When saying ok. There is a second error message with the same message. The longer I wait before I click it away, the more error messages there are to be clicked away. So I guess there is repeated request that is failing in the background.
As soon as I clicked the error away, I can only see the default the App UI, with an empty center panel saying "Error loading content :( Retry". When waiting the error message will reappear after 2-4 seconds. When waiting, there are several (2-n) error messages stacked that has to be clicked away to get back to the empty panel.
Oh yea, I was going to say to log out of the account itself under settings, which should have just taken you back to onboarding without wiping other settings.
I’m pretty curious what might have caused that, I’ll play around with it and try to reproduce this. Maybe some weird edge case during the loading of settings that resulted in some weird happenings.
But a reinstall should definitely fix it.
All good. Don't waste to much time on it. I think it was only me, as I do not see anyone else mentioning it. :D
I had that as well, and under accounts there was 3 times my same account on listed as signed in. When I logged out one, they were all gone from the list, and I could log back in with the same account which then showed up once (correctly).
Edit: I guess that happened after the forced logouts during the last couple of days where I had to log in again although memmy still show me logged in, and then came the memmy update. So yeah, probably nothing to worry about too much in regards to bugfixing.