The U.S. Navy is Firing Missiles in the Middle East Faster Than They Can be Replaced
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You are just racist. If it were Ukrainians that are starving you would support anyone doing anything to end the blockade. Yemen is acting within its right, the US is not only enabling the genocide by sending Israel the weapons, it is also preventing anyone from doing anything about it.
The US doesn't care about international law or protecting civilian ships. They could have stopped the genocide but didn't, they wouldn't even condition military aid to Israel on allowing food and medicine into Gaza.
Bullshit. I've commented here and elsewhere that what is happening in gaza is genocide.
The blockade has nothing to do with feeding gazans. If Yemen was securing the ships then trying to move the material into Gaza that would be another story. Shooting at those civilian ships, especially those not bound for Israel at all, is not effective support for Gaza.
Nothing Yemen is doing is materially helping gazans.
Edit no where in my comment did I discuss race. You just picked a spicy word out of a hat and tried to be rude with it. Oops
Explain your double standard then... Actually don't, it will be just more imperialism apologia. Just go away.