this post was submitted on 08 Nov 2024
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[โ€“] [email protected] 18 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) (1 children)

The "nobody asked for this" argument is dehydrated rock-hard stupid. Perhaps "arrogant" is the better description. The arguer thinks so highly of himself and his fandom that he requires consultation.

Heard that non-stop about Solo, one of my all-time favorite characters. I didn't ask for the film but I'm damned glad they made it. (Why I liked it is another post.)

"Nobody asked how Solo got his name! Or his blaster!"

STFU. I thought both origins fit nicely in the movie's flow and didn't break any established lore. Both items were amusing asides, not major plot points.

[โ€“] [email protected] 5 points 3 months ago

I thought Solo was a good film other than bits that tried to make it about Han Solo, then, not so much. Not "nobody asked for this" more that with cool enigmatic characters, or mysterious back stories, mystical forces, unless it is all meticulously planned out before hand it rarely lived up to expectations. Add to that the calibre of Harrison Ford, the iconic performance of the role, it wasn't ever going to live up to that. For me, Solo is like most of the prequels/sequels/spin offs. They haven't added anything of enough value to the mysteries or back stories, they haven't shown great motivations or origins for the characters I loved in the first place. With exceptions. Doesn't mean they shouldn't keep playing with the toys, but they should be more careful with them.