If theres a child out there suffering, its definitely more moral to take them in and give them love and support rather than creating a child that will possibly just end up resenting you for bringing them into such a fucked up world.
Yeah. They address that. In excrucitiating detail. Listen, enough running circles abour it on boards. Just...watch the video, or read, i think the author's long form written reponse which is even more exhaustive.
Bc you can say that but then when you get into the actual root cause analysis and solutions you recognize you cant simply wave the issue off with "just adopt", and you begin to recognize the callousness, unrealistic expecration, classism and outright anti-intellectual dismissiveness such a write-off amounts to.
you're aware this logic applies to any information in any form, yes? that's why you need to engage critically with a text, not just numbly accept or dismiss them…
If theres a child out there suffering, its definitely more moral to take them in and give them love and support rather than creating a child that will possibly just end up resenting you for bringing them into such a fucked up world.
Yeah. They address that. In excrucitiating detail. Listen, enough running circles abour it on boards. Just...watch the video, or read, i think the author's long form written reponse which is even more exhaustive.
Bc you can say that but then when you get into the actual root cause analysis and solutions you recognize you cant simply wave the issue off with "just adopt", and you begin to recognize the callousness, unrealistic expecration, classism and outright anti-intellectual dismissiveness such a write-off amounts to.
Its three hours long no thanks.
did you read the rest of the comment? this is a topic worth taking seriously rather than be flippantly dismissive.
If someone's thinking about a lifelong decision, it's well worth that 3 hours of being spoonfed the dozens hours of research that went into it.
(That's just for whoever passes by to read this. I do not care what you do personally.)
Being spoonfed dozens of hours of cherry-picked research is exactly the problem with lots of "youtube research" like this.
One could do another 3 hour video on the subject "Natalism is the tool of the nazis" also rooted in cherry-picked sources.
you're aware this logic applies to any information in any form, yes? that's why you need to engage critically with a text, not just numbly accept or dismiss them…
In response to a link to a creator who has litterally dedicated a video to grapple with the dynamic that we as audiences need to consume information with care
Idk what to tell ya. A lot of people enjoy learning in this format. You do know a person can read in addition to watching a video, dont be silly ✨️