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It helps I have a kid but I've pretty much completely stopped playing 'adult' games and have been enjoying the shit out of stuff like all the Lego games, Astro Bot, Kirby, Zelda Echoes of Wisdom, and other more kid friendly games. They're nowhere near as mentally taxing and grindy and they're way easier to just pickup and play for just a bit. I don't even remember where the heck I was at in Elden Ring and have little interest in spending 2 hours just to refresh myself with all the mechanics and my progress just to get my ass kicked by some boss 17 times.
I still want to play more ambitious games, but everywhere i go forums and chats are full of elitist gatekeeping pricks complaining that the games are "too easy". And lo and behold the souls plague encroaching over more and more genres.
The old/indie/kid games also just load a lot faster, you can be playing in like 10 seconds, alt-tab them if you need to do something else and not have your computer be unusable.
I tried playing RDR2 recently and waiting minutes for it to load and having to focus on it for at least an hour to get anything done was a real turnoff. I’m sure the game is great but I just can’t dedicate the time.