Enthusiast mulls reviving Sony's retro micro PC — Orange Pi CM5 planned as mainboard upgrade
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It was a relatively minor project too, like under $75. People get angry fast over relatively low amounts of money. I get that’s not nothing and kind of a lot to a lot of people but I had spent at least 3x that prototyping it so I was not really sympathetic, given I barely any profit at all (I made a $100 profit on the group buy given how I priced it but this mainly got me my unit for free plus about $20-30 extra, which didn’t even begin to offset prototyping costs)
If I ever do it again I will do it with full transparency. I don’t know if that will work any better but I will say look, this is what I spent making this thing both in raw dollars and hours, I would appreciate some return on that, and then see what happens. I’m sure I’ll be disappointed