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This doesn't mean that left-wing populism is dead though. There can absolutely be left-wing movements based on facts that appeal to the majority
All populism is dangerous. We need sober technocracy, not exciting words.
So you're admitting that you're fine with the status quo then? Technocratic governance is great in theory, but it doesn’t win mass support because most people don’t engage with politics at a purely rational level. The right understands this, which is why they use emotion, identity, and simple narratives to drive people to action.
People don't vote based on spreadsheets! They vote based on what feels right to them, and i think we should have realized this by now. If all that mattered were competence and policy expertise, we wouldn’t be watching the rise of populist strongmen across the world. Until we learn to communicate in a way that resonates with ordinary people we’ll keep losing ground to reactionaries who have no problem using populist rhetoric to mobilize their base.