In 1966, after years of friction with the US over whether France should have its own independent nuclear deterrent, the French president, Charles de Gaulle, withdrew his country from Nato’s integrated command (not, however, from the alliance itself – a common misconception) and asked all US forces stationed in France to leave. In response, the US secretary of state, Dean Rusk, asked de Gaulle: “Does that include the dead Americans in military cemeteries as well?”
In a single weekend, JD Vance’s direct attacks on European democracy at the Munich Security Conference and his meeting with far-right, anti-European political forces in Germany, have given de Gaulle his historic vindication.
There are some things that you avoid saying for as long as you can, for fear that just uttering the words will help bring them into being.
No, Russia didn't start with a deplorable state of production. Russia mothballed the industry it inherited from USSR, and never dismantled it. That's how Russia was able to ramp up production so rapidly. Russia is also one of the biggest energy and resource producers in the world which allows Russia to operate this industry cheaply. Furthermore, Russia has a high rate of population going into trades which is not the case in Europe.
That's absolutely false. Russia has been fighting with weapons and ammunition they actively produce. I've already linked you sources above explaining this.
They cannot, Ukraine is unable to have any meaningful industry because Russia can strike anywhere in Ukraine with hypersonic missiles. Ukraine barely has a functioning power grid at this point and imports large amounts of energy from Europe incidentally. If Europe went into a full scale conflict with Russia then same thing would start happening to European factories and power grid.
Furthermore, as I've already explained, Europe is not a country. It's a continent of many different countries that don't agree on much of anything. Many of these countries want to normalize relations with Russia. Hungary and Slovakia already have governments friendly towards Russia. Before long, France, Germany, Czech republic, and Romania are likely to have such governments as well. The US pulling out from project Ukraine will only accelerate this trend.
That's again completely and utterly false. Russia outproduces Ukraine in drones. Even mainstream western media was reporting on this like a year ago. Not to mention the fact that drones can now be jammed, and fiberoptic drones have much shorter range.
Given that Ukraine can't have large scale factories because they get bombed immediately it's not clear how anybody would think Ukraine could outproduce Russia in drones. Meanwhile, artillery is far more important than drones in modern warfare. As the article I linked above explains, Russia fires 250k artillery rounds each month which comes out to 3 million rounds a year.
You might want to educate yourself a bit on how modern warfare actually works instead of spewing nonsense here.
It's very obviously not, and it's frankly incredible that anybody could believe that.
I think you're going to be in for a huge surprise.
Outside of artillery (which as mentioned, is matched or outclassed by Ukraine's drone production advantage), Russias production is not that impressive even today. Once the stockpile is gone, they will have to go to something like 10% of the current rate of use of their armed vehicles. They produce a handful of aircraft a year. We already see them sending donkeys to the front line. They are a paper tiger that Europe can take if they put their minds to it.
That's pretty weird thing to say that's completely divorced from reality.
Again, I've provided you multiple references showing this claim is false. Evidently you're just going to continue to ignore that and regurgitate false statements.
It's pretty clear this conversation is pointless because you don't actually care about the facts of the situation. You just repeat propaganda you've memorized uncritically. Good news is I don't have to convince you of anything. You'll see what reality is soon enough for yourself.
I only saw one article which speculated about drone production. If you are interested about Russia's production and drawdown on their stockpile, Covert Cabal produces good videos on YouTube where he uses satellite data to actually count each vehicle.
The guy running Covert Cabal is an utter imbecile. The vehicles they count often end up being vehicles supplied to Ukraine by western countries like Poland who had large stockpiles of Soviet vehicles. These whole "open source intelligence" channels have been long discredited, and it's incredible that there are people gullible enough to take them seriously. Again, read what actual people with a clue have to say if you want to understand what's happeing
Of course, we both know that you won't and you'll just continue living in your fantasy lala land until you're forced to grapple with reality. That will happen very shortly. Buckle up.
From your article:
"As conflict drags on, the war is won by economies, not armies."
Making my case for me. Thanks.
sure kiddo
Yeah well if you build a lot of stuff and blow it up, you will have high GDP growth. But everything you built is sitting as scrap in another country. So it's not helping you much.They won't get anywhere near that of the rest of Europe though. And if they ever stop waging war their GDP will crater and they will have a massive economic collapse.
Military industry is like 7% of Russian GDP, but do go on. You're like a poster child for the Dunning-Kruger effect.
I thought this was self explanatory but I guess I need to explain it. $2 trillion times .07=$140 billion, whereas $20 trillion * .02=$400 billion. Some european countries are already at 3% or higher, some plan to get there. They haven't burned through their whole stockpiles like Russia has, and they have 1 million soldiers waiting in addition to the 800k that Ukraine has already.
If Europe can muster even half the resolve that Russia has, they will win for sure. Even at a quarter or less they have a good chance, because Ukraine is already holding the line and their economy is still 10x that of Russia. Russia's not going to grow their economy by 10x.
I love how you just keep repeating that Russia burnt through their stockpiles as if it's going to make it true. This is basically all you've done in this thread. You just keep repeating the same nonsense over and over like a broken record. You have absolutely no clue regarding the subject you're attempting to debate, and you're unable to engage with the discussion meaningfully. What you're doing is just creating noise here. You can continue believe whatever wild fantasies you want, but that's not going to change the material reality of the situation.
You've produced no evidence to the contrary. Covert Cabal has done the counting. You say it's nonsense but have nothing to counter it with.
I did, but it's clear that you don't care about evidence. Go listen to some more propaganda over at Covert Cabal to make yourself feel better. 🤣