Here is a place for news and information about Cooperatives (Co-ops), Democratic Workplaces, Collectives, Communes, Intentional Communities, Eco-Vilages, etc. This community is the continuation/alternative to r/cooperatives on Reddit.
Regional/National Groups:
US Federation of Worker Cooperatives
Northwest Cooperative Development Center
Network of Bay Area Worker Cooperatives (No Boss)
Worker-Owned and Run Cooperative Network of Greater Boston (Workin')
Valley Alliance of Worker Co-operatives (Vawk) NYC NoWC (Nic-knock)
Federation of Southern Cooperatives
Austin Cooperative Business Association
Alberta Community & Co-operative Association
Education & Development:
[Democracy at work](Democracy at work)
[Co-op Law](Co-op Law)
International Co-operative Alliance
[Cooperative Fund of New England]
[Shared Capital, formerly North Country Development Fund](Shared Capital, formerly North Country Development Fund)
California Center for Cooperative Development
University of Wisconsin Center for Cooperatives
[Democracy at Work Network](Democracy at Work Network)
Fund for Democratic Communities
Sustainable Economies Law Center
(PDF File) A Technology Freelancer's Guide to Starting a Worker Cooperative
[North American Students of Cooperation](North American Students of Cooperation)
Co-operate And No One Gets Hurt
Grassroots Economic Organizing
Other Forums/Lists: r/Cooperatives
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I love this. I think someone in SF was interested in buying it and was finding other investors to join him. But I think letting the workers own it would be the best outcome.