Album Art - Share your favourite music album cover
#High quality images of music album art.
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Community Image by Clem Onojeghuo on Unsplash.
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AI trash, pay artists.
What makes you think so?
Granted I do not follow the AI art scene or anything, the artstyle itself doesn't seem like AI art I have seen. It just looks like a digital painting. With that said, other than the fact that I cannot find any information about where the art for this album had come from or who made it, there are a few odd things about it:
What tipped me was trying to following any of the cloth line work, it's nonsensical and tapers off into nothing. The weird side claw from beast stomach seems not deliberate. It rendered the mans hair in ridiculous detail but let the beast tail smear into the background. The man's hands are being influenced by the claws.
Then I couldn't find an artist attributed to it, and finally it scored a 99% for Midjourney on sightengine.
There could be artistic choices being made, but consistency is all over the place, an artist skilled enough to paint that hair, but half ass a tail? Probably not.
I'll donate $10 to a nonprofit of their choice if anyone can attribute this work to an artist.
People asked Borgore about the art work here, but no response. I suspect it's probably AI too.
Yeah, album cover artists are usually credited on the album notes - radio silence here, and nothing in notes. And really, anyone painting this would probably have it near top of their public portfolio, would be a great show piece.
I don't know who the artist is but a musician called Borgore used it as an album cover
Good job. You have correctly identified the topic of this discussion.