PrepperIntel - Intelligence reports from preppers around the world
Intelligence reports from preppers around the world.
1. What are you seeing that affects your prepping? Post should be based on something you're actually seeing / experiencing locally. If it is outside of your area / is speculation, prepare to have current and substantial evidence such as multiple and neutral links as to not have the content removed.
2. Post title must have a general description, location / region plus flair. We're not asking or wanting exact locations, just a general idea of where you're talking about in the beginning of the title. It greatly helps people read / filter posts.
3. If your post isn't from your own eyes but affects you, it is encouraged to have evidence. (Links) Recent and up to date links, benefit all and help others understand and contribute to your post.
4. Unconstructive comments may lead to removals or bans. We are here to gather intel, not hate. This includes personal attacks, name calling, pushing politics, religion, racism, sexism, condoning / avocation of violence, trolling, ill will towards others and so on.
5. If you feel that the intel is wrong, link your own recent and relevant intel on the direct subject. If you feel the need to argue back, calmly do so with recent and relevant evidence on the subject. We do not care who you are, or which side you're on, we seek truth and transparency through sheer informational evidence.
If your view isn't backed up, (and at this point likely causing an issue) it may be subject to removal.
User may have a chance to research and find intel to restore their comment after contacting a moderator... Don't make a habit of this.
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Would noise canceling headphones work against this?
Active noise canceling is usually just white noise. I'm not aware of any noise canceling device that actually measures and responds to a specific frequency, and even then, the headphones may not be able to physically produce the frequency they need to cancel. You need legit hearing protection that physically dampens the sound. These are not partocularly expensive; you can get basic protection for $20, and more comfortable sets can be found for about $40. Earmuffs for shooting should work well.