I've worked from home a few years now, and whilst the upsides are well known I've personally found some challenges there too. Have you experienced anything similar? How did you deal with it?
My tale:
When the UK went into lockdown (along with everyone else) in early 2020 I started working from home full-time. For the first year I was with the same team I'd worked with for years whilst in the office, so nothing really changed except my location.
I switched jobs mid-2021 and the new team was much smaller. I work as a software developer, and this team was a grand total of three people including myself. We didn't have many meetings, only one a week, and except for being assigned new work I never interacted with anyone. It took a big toll on my mental health and I quit after three months.
I took an extended break from software development and started working on a plant nursery, driving tractors and tending plants - it was so much fun, but paid very little and ate into my savings a lot.
Went back to software development last year and thankfully manage things much better. I'm not a very social person, so it was surprising how important socialisation was to my mental wellbeing. I'm now part of quite a large team that speaks regularly, and when I next change jobs I know that this is something I need to look for.
I also have a garden now, so when the call of the wild hits me I go outside and sniff my tomato plants. I do miss driving tractors though.
I've been fully WFH for about 3 years now, and its a mix of pros and cons. Mostly pros, though. If I had to pick the key factors, they would be (in no particular order):
So. Much. This. Been working from home since the pandemic started. I guess being an introvert helped a ton since I know a lot of people who struggled with it.
I think for the social aspect, I noticed working from home removed (or at least dramatically decreased) the feeling of being in a team. I do miss that, surprisingly. Now it feels more like I'm a hired gun rather than a part of a team. We do have regular team meetings but it's just isn't the same.
Another pro is I get to interact more, despite in a limited fashion, with people from different countries. We usually had our higher ups manage that and just cascade when there was information to relay.
I don't think I'll ever go back to the office, tbh.