this post was submitted on 27 Jul 2023
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@DaughterOfMars Are you asking if I was "boots on the ground" with archeologists? Nope. However, considering humans, I consider people admitting they might be wrong and adopting better concepts as evolution. Evolution is not about intelligence, but, adaptation to survive. I would say I have seen evolution, personally, in my life.
@DaughterOfMars Funny thing...our "intelligence" went only so far. Now, it seems that all the people who piggybacked the science and don't truly understand it are going to kill us.
Bit of a nitpick, but adaptation is not evolution. I was about to say that you cannot observe capital E Evolution in your own lifetime but then I remembered stuff on the bacterial scale that reproduces at break neck pace and is absolutely observable. HIV is one of these examples.
@ngdev Coronavirus, too.
@ngdev Thank you.
@ngdev I think semantics plays a part in this, too. Survival of the fittest, so to speak.
Indeed, micro-evolution is quite fast because the rate of mutation is relatively high and generations are short. Macro-evolution is actually not generally well-understood by lay-people, primarily because it involves thinking on a scale that is so far outside of our short lifetimes. Not many people are capable of thinking on a scale outside of their own asses let alone across thousands of generations, hence the severe level of closed-mindedness in this thread alone...
I think the idea I was referencing when I mentioned evolution not being observable in one's lifetime is actually better stated as:
Evolution cannot be observed in the lifetime of an individual of the species in question. I.E. A HIV "cell" won't live to see the evolved, drug-resistant ones down the line
There's no such thing as micro- and macro-evolution, those are terms made up by creationists to try to deny the existence of evolution in the face of direct observation of evolution
Here's my point: Your reasons for believing in Evolution are your own, but don't pretend that you know it for a fact. We all have to accept things we cannot personally verify to make progress as a society and that very progress should be your driving force, NOT your own biases.
@DaughterOfMars If that is the answer, why ask the question? Science is not my "bias." We can choose to teust the professionals or not. I just gave you my reason for my belief that evolution is real and how I have seen it. I left Twitter for this type of ridicule from religious nuts and flat earthers. I take it you saw my profile. Regardless, make peace with yourself and have humility.
😂 Why on earth would you think I give a shit about you enough to read your profile? How self-centered can you be...unbelievable. Maybe you should ask yourself why you're spending time in a community about UFOs if you're not willing to accept the possibility that they exist. You realize that makes you one of those trolls you mention, don't you? Don't you??