Breadtube if it didn't suck.
Post videos you genuinely enjoy and want to share, duh. Celebrate the diversity of interests shared by chapochatters by posting a deep dive into Venetian kelp farming, I dunno. Also media criticism, bite-sized versions of left-wing theory, all the stuff you expected. But I am curious about that kelp farming thing now that you mentioned it.
Low effort / spam videos might be removed, especially weeb content.
There is a cytube that you can paste videos into and watch with whoever happens to be around. It's open submission unless there's something important to commandeer it with at the time.
A weekly watch party happens every Saturday (Sunday down under), with video nominations Saturday-Monday, voting Monday-Thursday. See the pin for whatever stage it's currently in.
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My view on this is evolving but it still doesn't sit right with me.
Let's say nobody died, it wasn't a massacre. Those are all flattened bicycles and scared people on the ground. This is still the state sending the military to put down a protest. Those are tanks from the national government designed for defense against state level enemies, directed at unarmed young adults from the same country right?
What would've happened had people not dispersed? Were the tanks and guns just to scare people? What would you think of Biden or Trump calling our military to put down protests like what happened in summer of 2020 in the U.S.?
Neither am I, I just don't trust any state to wield it in the interests of me or a healthy sustainable planet.
As long as there is capital, there will be inequality. As long as there is inequality, there will be those who have power and use it in order to gain more power. And when that happens, no matter what you've done to make things better for everyone, it will get taken away.
That's why there is no socialism without a proletarian state that wields the force of that power to ensure the strength of the working class. Until global capital can be completely defeated, there is no socialism without communism.