[The Althletic in-depth analysis] Ange Postecoglou successfully ushers Spurs into the inverted full-back era
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#COYS #THFC #TottenhamHotspur #MastodonFC
@coys @spurs
It would be interesting to see if Deki can play an 8 (where Skipp played) with Porro out wide.
[expand the gif or open in new tab to see animation]
#COYS #THFC #MastodonFC
It would be interesting. I'd guess Porro just ends up being quite a bit too direct for it to work out, but I'd be curious to see what would happen. Deki is clever enough to give it a run. Not actually expecting to see it but wouldn't mind a half or two just for the sake of seeing how it plays out.