this post was submitted on 21 Aug 2023
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PrePub - Ascendance of a Bookworm
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- Ascendance of a Bookworm
- Honzuki no Gekokujou
- 『本好きの下剋上』
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I wish we would have gotten a one detail on her doctor courses though.
The doctor specialization is part of the scholar course. So does that mean that Lieseleta took a dual education of both attendant and scholar, or that it is possible to take scholar specialization courses, even when you aren't going through the scholar course?
We know it is possible to take classes outside of your course from the first pre-pub of this book. Sylvester says one possible future for Wilfried is to take some knight classes and become the knight commander.
I interpreted this as Sylvester suggesting that Wilfried could do the full knight's course, in addition to the archduke candidate course, just like Rozemyne is doing archduke and scholar courses and Ferdinand did all three of those in parallel.
I'm going to hope they have some prerequisites to fulfill, but certainly does seem like you could dabble in a few classes.