Epic Games Store is offering developers 100% of revenue for six months of exclusivity
Rule #1: Be civil
Rule #2: No spam, memes, off-topic, or low-effort posts/comments
Rule #3: No advertisements
Rule #4: No streams, random gameplay videos, highlights, or shorts
Rule #5: No erotic games or porn
Rule #6: No facilitating piracy
Rule #7: No duplicates
You guys work for valve of something? I point out falsehood and hypocrisy, you guys attack a product based on bullshit, who's more likely to work for one of the two exactly?
But I remember you guys...
Back in 2003 you guys were pissed at Valve for releasing Steam and you said it would kill PC gaming. I was there to see people you doing exactly that. Valve made Steam necessary to play Half-Life 2, remember that? Oh man you guys were mad...
But now? Steam is the best thing ever! Can't have enough can you? If they had a monopoly that would be even better! Heck, they had one for years and you didn't mind the fact that games were de facto exclusives for a long ass time! Valve just didn't have to sign a contract to confirm it!
I was actually on board with Steam since the inception. I grew up in the sticks; being able to buy my games online and download them super easily was fucking dope since I could not easily find many in stores.
It's not so dope now. If that's the only thing you have to offer: Why the fuck would I use it? Because you gnab shit and hold it hostage specifically so I will use you inferior platform?