It's open source, doesn't track you, and looks nice and runs great/better than OsmAnd. It's still a bit early in development however but it's worth trying out for sure. It gets the maps from OpenStreetMap (more info below).
Other alternatives (that use OSM):
OsmAnd, github - The bigger Android OSM client, it's way more powerful but also more complex and runs worse. (Totally free as in beer on f-droid)
Quant Maps, github - Decent replacement for the Google Maps website, works fine on your phones browser. It can run like crap if you use the anti-fingerprinting stuff in Firefox though..
The map data is based on OpenStreetmap which means it's often better than google maps but still inevitably will be missing some stuff depending on where you live, however you can add/edit stuff directly in the app which will help all the projects that uses OSM.
Another way to fix data is to visit and make friendly notes on the map by right clicking it where stuff is missing or out of date without an account, then mappers can use the info you give them and fix it. You can also register and change stuff yourself in your browser, it's very easy to just add a pizza place for example, just remember to not copy stuff from google maps.
Another fantastic Android app for helping OSM is StreetComplete. It lets you add more info to OSM by completing quests that involves collecting info. It requires an account to actually submit the answers but you can try it without registering.
It's a great app if you take a lot of walks/trips and get bored and want to do something productive while doing it. It's also a really solid app.
Warning, editing OSM can get fun and addicting, there is a support group here: /r/openstreetmap .
Post from :
But it's not actually. They just have their own repo
It's on F-Droid.
Strange when you click the button to download on fdroid on their site it prompts you to add their custom repo.
Which website are you looking at? On the "get it on F-Droid" button links directly to I can't see any mention of, or link to, a custom repo.
A lot of projects do that, same with NewPipe. I think updates to F-Droid are usually delayed and slow. Adding their own repo allows you to get updates faster.
I don't understand. I just installed it from F-Droid.