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The right: "Genocide trans people!"
The left: "no"
Centrists: "these are both radical positions"
Wow, what a complete misunderstanding of what a centrist is.
Now you see what "if you're not with us, you're against us" really means...
Never admit to being a centrist, because both sides don't see you as a potential ally, they see you as an enemy. Then you just end up everyone's enemy, despite the fact that you're just trying to get along and try to see different perspectives, make intelligent judgements, and do some critical thinking.
Unfortunately, centrists have just the right amount of the last few things to lack looking further into anything yet make a decision on shallow surfaces.
Which is EASILY manipulated by conservatives by simply lying that the other side is also doing their bad things. Boom. Now even turf to those who don't research.
Centrists seem to lack the ability to reach beyond their own worldview and cautiously accept what's in front of them to avoid rocking the boat.
Probably don't want to raise wages because it'd raise the price of hamburgers. Enjoy that now $12 Carl's Jr. Burger combo while you sit on not raising minimum wages. Scumbag.
*Sigh. I'm just frustrated at people willfully being blind to be happy. I get it... But it doesn't solve anything as evil continues marching on.
You've put a fair few words into people's mouths and then judged them for it here.
Could your own view be unfair? I see people from all sides coming to conclusions they aren't qualified to be confident in, and yet everyone seems to have 100% certainty in everything these days.
I see lots of right wing tits, I also see lots of left wing tits and centrist tits. Politicians are not experts in anything, their job requires them to try and become experts in everything and as a result they're experts in nothing but lots of people seem to take everything their preferred politician says as fact. Things are very rarely black and white but in the US that seems to have been entirely forgotten lately.
I know it won't go down well here but viewpoints like ACAB or "republicans are fundamentally bad people" are so reductive that it's almost funny.
When did people stop considering nuance?
Same fucking thing. Believe what I believe or you're dumb, and you're the enemy. No room for debate, you're just a "weather vane" or sheep or something.
God you're part of the problem with this country..