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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/South-Muffin9212 on 2023-09-04 08:30:15.
My husband and I have two teenage children (m14 and f16); he’s a great dad, but sometimes he’s a bit lazy when it comes to routines and chores around the house (he works hard so I usually cut him some slack).
Recently I have been working away on business a lot and last week I spent across state staying in a hotel.
I arrived back yesterday morning to find my husband, son and daughter all eating breakfast in their underwear (my son wearing only his boxers and my daughter in a crop top and panties, clearly having just rolled out of bed).
When I’m home I insist on the kids being dressed when they come downstairs, particularly as they’re both no longer kids anymore really anyway. I brought this up with my husband later and we got into a row. He didn’t think I appreciated him for all the work he did whilst I was away, which I do, but to be greeted by that was not something I thought would happen. Anyway we’ve now been frosty for a day or so and I feel bad. AITA?
Are there certain things that your husband asks around the house that you sometimes relax on, or even dismiss?
If you do, then you've answered your question.