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If anyone can find me one of these without it breaking the bank please hmu
Some of my fav features:
5AH Battery + 25W QC (100% in 2hrs) + WC, battery isn't removable but phone is easy to repair
Expandable Storage
Headphone Jack with a HiRes 32Bit DAC
Loud stereo speakers that don't suck
1080P/60Hz/HDR10+ P-OLED
Wacom Stylus compatible
Desktop Mode
Dual Screen Case - LG mirrored the display into a case that the phone can easily drop in.
Still receiving quarterly security updates 3.5 years after launch to include A13 even after LG shutdown their mobile division in 2021
5G, Wifi 6, BT 5.1
FM Radio
Rootable with community tool on XDA
The only things I wish I could change are:
Cameras for better resolution for macro/landscape shots. Anything further than 10 feet from the camera loses detail extremely quickly. Camera can record 4k60FPS but the second you crop or zoom in on anything, all the details are blury. It's baffling to me.
Higher refresh rate display even if it was only 90hz.
The only phone that can beat this in features is the Sony Xperia line at ~ 5x the price. Broke my first one and immediately grabbed a second one off swappa.
Do you mean 5 Ah or 5000 mAh? A 5kAh 3.7V battery would get you across most of the US on an ebike or run an electric car for 80 km. Or a phone for much of its lifetime.
Yeah I did haha.