Microsoft - keep your filthy hands off Valve, leak shows MSFT would buy Valve
Discussions and news about gaming on the GNU/Linux family of operating systems (including the Steam Deck). Potentially a $HOME
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Original /r/linux_gaming pengwing by uoou.
Valve class action?
Vavle has a class action for breaking antitrust laws and unfair competition laws in the PC market.
Steam was wholly responsible for the 50 to 60 dollar price hike in PC gaming.
@PM_ME_FEET_PICS @njinx yes! This is why that we really need to start pushing for alternative gaming business methods. Itch.io is great for this. Better than gog in my eyes for really bringing forth gaming space to a more democratic and DRM free space. The mission needs to include more open source, libre software and we need to support that. Gamers making their games their way and not trusting third or fourth parties to get them there.