this post was submitted on 24 Sep 2023
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Really? I saw digital foundry showed the latest patch was solid 60fps on performance. Are you playing fidelity?
PC broken
Consoles playable but still glitchy AF with constant screen tearing and flashes of white due to overzealous occlusion culling.
Even though we're seven patches down the line, if I didn't know better I'd think THIS was the broken-on-launch version.
I doubt they will ever fix it. It's not a live service so they have little incentive.
Supposedly 30fps mode is playable, but who wants to play an action 3D game at that frame rate.
FWIW I’ve been playing on PS5 in performance mode and haven’t noticed any issues. In fact I’m super impressed with how well it’s running and looking.. finally.
It sucks the PC version is still having issues.
Does your display support VVR? Or have you not played too far into the game?
My tv does support VRR so that’s probably helping a lot. Are you getting tearing?
Yup, tearing is the biggest problem. It's insanely bad, but I imagine VRR TV would clean it right up.
Other issues in game: White flashes when turning due to occlusion culling. Physics glitches, especially on secondary animations (things go wild with the costume when Mantis takes off). Characters sometimes not loading animations (T-posed pilot during the flight to a final confrontation mission). Game crashed significant amount of times for me to remember it being a thing.... But tearing is just the worst. I'd probably rather have a stutter and I can't believe vsync is not an option.
Same, from day one no issues all the way thru to the end of the game