this post was submitted on 14 Oct 2023
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I use Paprika. It's amazing to keep organized and find your recipes. Also the recipe downloader is awesome. Just go to a site with a recipe in the in app browser and hit download and it automatically formats it for easy use. The app is $5 but the desktop apps are $29.99. I don't know why those are so expensive, but I ended up getting it because I'm at my desktop a lot and it's way easier to download the recipe there than moving to my phone. They all sync together too.

I promise this is not an ad, I just really like this app for recipe organization. What do you guys use?

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[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

I started keeping a notebook with notes when making bread consumed my life. I have the recipe and then notes and future revisions written down. I’ve tried to digitize recipes but it’s too inconvenient and I always forget. So I just started a notebook for recipes and do the same thing and it’s worked out nice.

If I was smart, maybe a kitchen iPad or something would be better. But also my entire life is digital. It’s kinda nice to keep it out of the kitchen.