this post was submitted on 07 Nov 2023
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I don't see any evidence to support the assertion that government is more efficient, but I may have missed it in the article. Could you cite your sources please?
I'm not sure why we wanted Google building housing anyway, seems like a perfect opportunity for them to blend their real estate and advertising holdings in a perverse way. This seems like the best possible outcome.....
Google essentially wanted to run a village in the downtown west area of san jose. Said area was mixed residential and office, so if google owned the houses. They would offer housing plans for employees and you wouldnt need to commute to work with how tightly it was integrated.
Google already has an "on campus hotel" that they offer employees to use. Having homes to rent out would be an extention to that.
Yeah every single time this has been tried in history it has worked out just terrible for people. I don't know why anyone would want to live in a company town if they have any critical thinking skills or foresight at this point. It's bad enough that our healthcare is tied to work. I mean especially with all the layoffs in tech lately. You could do everything right, be a valuable employee, love working at Google, and still get fucked because the c suite wants to bump profits this quarter. Now you're out your income, insurance, and need to move, and probably far enough away you won't be able to maintain the life you had. I'd say this is definitely a good thing.