Vikings fan here, don't follow the Raiders too closely.
I've been reading threads about Josh McDaniels for a while now and most threads are just piling on, not really mentioning specifically why he was a bad coach.
I decided to pull up a post game victory speech on YouTube and he just doesn't seem that likable of a guy. I think being likable is a big part of being a coach, because players have to want to win for you.
Does that sum up why he was a bad coach? Or is there even more to it than that?
To be fair, the team didn't underperform that badly this year. If you look at the schedule, the only terrible game was the Bears game. Other than that, they beat the teams they were supposed to beat and lost to the teams they were supposed to lose to.
So what's the official one-paragraph summary on Josh McDaniels tenure with the Raiders and why he was bad?
His biggest flaws are that he is grating to most people, he's an egomaniac who refuses to concede when he is wrong, and he is a control freak who wants to be in charge of everything. He doesn't learn from his mistakes, and is still largely coaching the exact same way he did 15 years ago. He is also one of the worst talent evaluators who has ever been given GM duties in NFL history. Like almost every personnel decision he has ever made has been the opposite of what he should've done. All of this combines to create a guy who demands to have the ability to destroy your team, will stop at nothing to destroy your team, and then will blame everyone but himself while he is standing in the rubble of what was once your team.